2006-01-06 오전 10:00:20 Hit. 6761
PSP 세이브 파일을 쉽게 수정하고, 편집할 수 있는 프로그램입니다. GTA처럼 세이브 파일을 수정하여 치트코드를 적용할 수 있습니다. 현재 이 버전에서 치트기능을 지원하는 게임은 다음과 같습니다. -테일즈 오브 이터니아 일본판, 북미 패치판 (ULJS00015) - 영웅전설 USA(ULUS10022) -니드 포 스피드: Most Wanted USA (UL-US10036) and EU (ULES00196) -메디이블: 부활 EU (UCES00006) -천지의 문 USA (UCUS98623)
For all those cheaters out there, Weltall has developed a small application for easily modifying/patching your saved games.
This first release only supports a few select titles; though additional games and patches will be made available in future releases. Also word of allowing the end-user to add their own games & patches to the database will be a possibility.
Supported features in v0.1: -first release -supports showing a list of all the games in the savedata folder -supports showing the icon0.png image from the selected savegame -permits to select how much money to patch in “The Legend of Heroes”
Description: v0.1 A simple homebrew application which allows the end-user to easily modify/patch existing PSP saves - resulting in extra cash, infinite health, more power, etc... Written by Weltall.
Current games supported in this release: -Legend of Eternia JAP(ULJS00015) -The Legend of Heroes USA(ULUS10022) -Need For Speed: Most Wanted USA (UL-US10036) and EU (ULES00196) -Medievil Resurrection EU(UCES00006) -Kingdom of Paradise USA(UCUS98623)