인스톨하는게 아니라 모드칩이나 스왑매직 없이
메몰부팅으로 dvd매체 돌리는거요 ㅡㅡ;
외국포럼 돌아보면 되는것 같긴 한데요;;
Here is what I did,
First get the cogswaploader exploit files from here,
http://home.rochester.rr.com/ps2ownz/exploit.html And cdloader here,
http://www.swapmagicfix.com/ Then go here,
http://www.ps2ownz.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19192&highlight=card+exploit And get the cdloader exploit.zip from allucard and titleman.zip in the same thread.
Extract the zip file from swapmagicfix, and the cdloader exploit and titlemanfrontend zip files, look in the cdloader folder for the junk.dat file copy and paste into the cogswaploader folder, that is the only file you need from the cdloader folder.
Use titlemanfrontend to create the title.db using the id (the sles-xxx.xx) from your psx trigger game.
Follow the instructions here,
http://home.rochester.rr.com/ps2ownz/exploit.html for making the cd image using CDGenPS2 , but before you add the title.db add the junk.dat file, after you add the title.db create cd image.
Burn the cd image using alcohol at 4x or slower.
You will need to use swapmagic cd or some other method of loading backups to load the mem card exploit, when it has finished loading onto your mem card reset the ps2 insert your trigger psx disk and wait for the message “psx cd rom”, then you can load either cd backups or dvd.
Cd load: at the psx cd rom message eject the disk and insert higher toc ps2 disk, when message changes to ps2 cd rom and the disk on-screen turns blue use your flip top/ swipe card to change to your backup disk, press x and it will load after a couple of seconds.
Dvd load: at the psx cd rom message use your flip top/ swipe card to change to the cdloader disk, press x, when you here the disk slow right down press x again, when cdloader loads eject and swap for higher toc dvd disk, wait for the message “change disk and press x”, press x with toc disk still in the ps2 then it