2006-11-30 오후 11:33:05 Hit. 7731
(사진은 Wii 북미판) 홍콩 쇼핑몰인 석세스홍콩에서는 오늘 닌텐도 Wii 일본판이 입고되었으며, 378달러에 판매를 시작하였습니다. 참고로 일본 내 판매가격은 25,000엔입니다.
닌텐도 Wii 일본판 특징 - 12cm Wii 디스크 & 8cm GameCube 디스크 지원 - NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, TurboGrafix16 games 에뮬레이션 지원 - 무선 컨트롤러 - 2 SD card expansion slots
Wii 패키지에는 Wii 본체와 리모콘(스트랩 포함) 외에 눈차쿠 컨트롤러, AC 어댑터, AV 케이블, Wii 본체 전용 스탠드, Wii 본체 전용 보조 플레이트, Wii 전용 센서바, 센서바 스탠드, 건전지 2개가 동봉. (메모리카드 별도)
고전 닌텐도 게임을 다운로드 받아서 즐길 수 있는 '버추얼 콘솔'은 패미컴용 게임의 가격이 개당 500엔, 슈퍼패미콤이 800엔, 닌텐도64가 1,000엔으로 책정되어 있고, 결제는 신용카드나 Wii 포인트 선불카드로 이루어진다.
세부정보 외형: The new console boasts high-quality materials and a smart, compact design, approximately the size of three standard DVD cases stacked together. Backward compatibility: The new console plays all games from the current Nintendo GameCube generation. 부가서비스: The console also will have downloadable access to 20 years of fan-favorite titles originally released for Nintendo64 the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) and even the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). 스펙: The system boasts 512 megabytes of internal flash memory, wireless controllers, two USB 2.0 ports and built-in Wi-Fi access. A worldwide network of Nintendo players can gather to compete in a comfortable, inviting environment. Revolution's technological heart, a processing chip developed with IBM and code-named "Broadway," and a graphics chip set from ATI code-named 'Hollywood', will deliver game experiences not previously possible. The stars: Introduction of a number of new franchise properties will add to the world's richest stable of stars, including Mario, Zelda, Super Smash Bros. Metroid. Wireless freedom: A number of Wi-Fi-enabled launch titles are in development that will employ Nintendo's newly announced wireless gaming service, Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. *The price is higher than the retail price as the demand is too much while the supply is limited. *We also have to pay premium prices to get the goods. However, prices will come down gradually although it may be difficult to get the goods within this year unless you are willing o pay the premium prices.