2009-10-09 오후 5:35:18 Hit. 75722
Team Twiizers 의 Wii HackMii installer v0.6 이 릴리즈 되었습니다.<아래 스크린샷은 HackMii installer 구버전>HackMii Installer v0.6 업데이트 내용:
• BootMii public beta 4 설치지원• The Homebrew Channel 1.0.6 설치지원• DVDX v2 설치지원• 일부 유저들이 HBC v1.0.5 사용시 다운되는 버그를 수정설치방법은 스프링님이 올리신 아래 정보들은 참고하세요.http://www.finalfantasia.com/board/board.php?bo_table=gameinfo&wr_id=79887http://www.finalfantasia.com/board/board.php?bo_table=lecture&wr_id=3047[원문보기]A new update for the HackMii installer has been released courtesy of the guys from Team Twiizers. HackMii Installer is handy homebrew tool capable of installing the latest update of BootMii, The Homebrew Channel 1.0.6 and DVDX v2. The latest update fixes the HBC 1.0.5 bug from the previous release. Developer's note:
HBC v1.0.5 freezes. Like forever. But only for some users. Fixed that, and some other minor hiccups. Launch HBC to update it. Or grab fresh installer. BootMii