2012-11-01 오후 7:06:20 Hit. 2916
Here is what the WWE 13 Save Editor can do:- Gender Modifiers (Play Divas and Created Divas in all matches, even against Superstars)- Attributes Mods (Up to 255 for Superstars and Create-a-Wrestler)- Ability Modifiers (Up to 7 ! for Superstars & CAWs)- Unlock all NPCs (Jerry Lawler, Bearer, Naomi, Godfather girls ect....)- Match Modifiers (like in the video, do what you want, there is pretty much no restriction, 6-Man Elimination HIAC, Ironman 6-Man Tag ect..)- Entrance Modifiers (Fireworks in all stages, Entrances for NPCs)- Text Modifiers (Edit the Superstar's and CAW's names, Huds, nicknames ect...)- CAWs Manager (Transfer your CAWs between your saves. Take lets say CAW 1 from Save A and copy it to Save B in CAW slot 25. Do whatever you want.)
뭐 다른건 모르겠고 gender modifiers 아주 맘에 드네요.
아마 디바 만들어서 유니버스 모드 주인공으로 해보는것도 가능할듯.
문제는 공짜로는 못주겠으니 돈내고 해킹툴사서 쓰라는...
몰랐는데 wwe12는 캐릭터파일 추줄해서 맥스로 캐릭터 수정해서 새로운 캐릭으로 플레이할수도 있더군요.
역시 덕중에 덕은 양덕이라더니...