2011-02-04 오후 11:41:38 Hit. 2589
disk swapper v1===============Multidisk game switcher
this plugin is not hard coded to require any specific version of dash or for any specific game.
What it does:=============If you have games with more than one disk installed on your machine,this plugin takes care of switching from one disk to the other (onceyou set up the multi.ini file, the plugin, and dash launch of course)ingame.
install=======-add to dash launch plugins ie: [Plugins] plugin1 = Usb:\swap.xex
-place swap.xex on the path you specified above-edit and place multi.ini on the root of a usb/hdd/memory unit content partition (just like launch.ini)-in some cases it seems the plugins were only enabled after running the dash launch installer again, you may want to give this a try
or, wait for a much better solution from the folks at FreeStyle
thanks everyone in FSD, including/especially the FSD testers!thanks krk for iso2godthanks xedev for nxe2god
DISK SWAPER 1.0 정식버전이 릴리즈 되었습니다.
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모든 멀티디스크에 호환 됩니다.