2010-08-27 오전 5:39:03 Hit. 5953
This program allowes you to extract multiple Xbox 360 iso's based on exiso.Features:+ You can scan recursively through a directory and pick every iso (Every iso must be in a seperate dir)+ Each iso will be extracted to the target_dir\where_the_iso_is_located_ine.g. d:\Mass_Effect_2_DVD1\mass.iso -> d:\extract\Mass_Effect_2_DVD1d:\Mass_Effect_2_DVD2\mass.iso -> d:\extract\Mass_Effect_2_DVD2+ Skips extracting if target_dir already has the directory + "Remove iso afterwards" functionality (Be careful! maybe some bugs)+ Statusbar and log window+ Automatically deletes the $SystemUpdate directory (Since it's not needed)Changelog:v0.4+ Order of the queue is changeable now+ Last iso and extraction dir are saved now + Scans the iso directory on change and startup (Needs a bit longer to load)* Some error handling addedv0.3* First public release