A tool running on homebrew 360s that will allow to organize, scan and unlock XBLA and DLC content.
Changes in 1.7b
*Fix DLC where multiple DLCs are actually contained in the same file.
They will now display properly, get transfered properly, and get deleted properly.
* Fix ignored DLC not being remembered between session.
I broken this a couple of versions back, I think.
* Changed code so that if you have multiple files queued up, it will only transfer one at a time.
Three at a time was cool, but one at a time is faster.
* Removed the "new unlock" that was in 1.7 until I can get a handle on why it didn't always work.
May be re-introduced later.
* Finally, and maybe most interestingly, the old perl scripts for scraping DLC and XBLA content
have been rewritten in C++, and are now included as features of xm360_server.exe