2006-06-13 오후 2:52:06 Hit. 8376
본 프로그램은 Xbox360 게임 타이틀의 시큐어 섹터를 집어넣거나 추출하는 유틸입니다. 아마 필요하신 분은 거의 없으실 듯 하네요. 본 프로그램을 구동하기 위해서는 .Net Framework 2.0 이 설치되어 있어야 한답니다. HellDoc has released a new version of his quality GUI tool that easily allows you to insert security sectors into raw dumps made with wxRipper and the xtreme way. Theis version comes mainly with wa ay to report a database game entry as working/non working and add comments. What's new - Added a way to report a database game entry as working/non working and add comments/instruction. - Added a better way to enter game in the database (with video region and geographical region) Instructions 1 - Make sure you have .Net Framework 2 installed. 2 - Browse for the iso. 3 - Hit Detect. 4 - If there's already a online entry for this iso, the Game Name combo box will fill up. If nothing appear it means that no one submitted information for this iso. 5 - If you select a game in the combo box, all settings should already be fine, else, make the settings as it should be. 6 - Select the SS file. 7 - If you selected an game name in the combo box and the md5 checkboxes are red it mean that you are not using the recommended SS. Green mean that you selected the right SS. 8 - Hit merge. 9 - Burn the .dvd with CloneCD 10 - If the iso you just made is working and was not found in the database,hit Add to database. Enter the game name, video region and geographical location. It will allow the users to use your settings. 11 - Donate via paypal to helldoc AT gmail D0t com as i'm paying for the database hosting and the bandwith and still do not own a 360... Splitter Instructions 1 - select your iso file (Must be a complete iso with video partition). 2 - hit xbox 360 or xbox depending on your iso. 3 - select what you want to extract (Extraction the game partion will create a xtreme type of iso) 4 - Hit split and wait. Add Coments 1 - Select the iso 2 - Click yes to calculate the iso md5 and check in the database for this md5. 3 - You can read the comments in the box to the right. 4 - Click comment to add a comment. 5 - Ensure that the game name in the new dialog is the good one. 6 - Enter you comment. 7 - Enter your name (optional). 8 - Click Workin or non-working if the tested this iso with the current setting. 9 - Click Post