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  • [PS2] [PS2] 블루 메시아칩 조립 설명서
    작성자 : gameworld | 조회수 : 1835 (2002-08-16 오전 8:26:59)

    튜닝을 원하시는 분들을 위한 설치 도면을 올립니다.

    PS2 Blue Messiah magic 3 No-Swap Modchip V5 & V6
    대응기종: scph-30005R , 30006R and 30001R

    How to Run PS2 disc ?

    • When using PS2 original, PS2 DVD thick disk, PS2 DVD thin disk, and PS2 CDR game disk:
      Insert game disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then press RESET once to turn on the console.

    How to Run PS1 disc ?

    • When using PS games:
      Insert game disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then press RESET once to turn on the console, wait for the blue led to light up and then press RESET once more (try once more if it fails).

    How to Run DVD disc ?

    • When using movie DVD (warning: it can only read movie DVDs according to the PS2 console region):
      Insert the disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then hold down RESET, turn on the console and wait until the screen appears on the TV.


    PS2 Blue Messiah No-Swap Modchip for V7
    기종: Scph-39001 , 39002 and 37001L (USA)

    How to Run PS2 disc ?

    • When using PS2 original, PS2 DVD thick disk, PS2 DVD thin disk, and PS2 CDR game disk:
      Insert game disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then press RESET once to turn on the console.

    How to Run PS1 disc ?

    • When using PS games:
      Insert game disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then press RESET once to turn on the console, wait for the blue led to light up and then press RESET once more (try once more if it fails).

    How to Run DVD disc ?

    • When using movie DVD (warning: it can only read movie DVDs according to the PS2 console region):
      Insert the disk, hold down RESET turn off console until red led lights up then hold down RESET, turn on the console and wait until the screen appears on the TV.

    부록: 매직 2 설치도면


    snk001: 에고...머리아퍼 전부 영어루 돼있네 @ㅁ@ㆀ [09/05-00:36]
    inoue: 모드 칩 기능 이 모져...?? [09/20-20:32]
    sinchunji: 35000번에도 가능 한가여... [12/11-14:25]

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.3 vndy (2005-07-21 01:10:41)
    힘들어 보이네요 ^^
    Lv.7 OVA (2006-05-03 09:20:01)
    Lv.5 잉아 (2010-10-03 23:30:17)
    너무예전자료라서 그런가 사진이 안나오네요..

    도배방지 : 0

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