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    작성자 : amtim | 조회수 : 7089 (2016-06-02 오전 8:43:01)

    Posted on 

    We had a tremendous amount of feedback from our beta testers! We have been working hard on processing all feedback and to bring you a shiny new private beta that will blow everyone away. We are the only ones to present you the best, safest and user-friendliest way out there to install the GATEWAY FAST BOOT method also known as A9LH.
    Due to the high demand for our beta we have decided to be more open with our private betas! You can find our new private beta on our new BETA PROGRAM page !

    UPDATE: Due to popular demand we implemented a ‘arm9loaderhax.bin‘ file that can be used with existing (non-GW) A9LH installs.

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    Lv.2 밤이조아 (2016-06-02 11:27:42)
    정다수는 해당사항 없는 거겠지요...타임머신 파일에 kor은 없네요. 슬픕니다.
    Lv.3 popoya (2016-06-02 14:37:41)
    일판 큰뉴다수에도 설치가 되는가요?
    설치법이 어렵네여.

    도배방지 : 0

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