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  • SafeA9LHInstaller
    작성자 : 우오오 | 조회수 : 4643 (2016-05-18 오후 1:22:36)
    - 링크
    In the past couple of days I've been developing a brand-new A9LH installer.
    It loads all the needed files from the SD card (no more need to build console-specific installers), and it's really fast. Other than that, it's way safer than the original one, as it does the following checks:
    - Checks that it's able to encrypt FIRM partitions properly
    - If you have a New 3DS and you're doing a first install, it validates your OTP. Sadly I have no way of validating the OTP on an Old3DS.
    - If updating from A9LH, it verifies that the NAND keystore is the correct one (just in case) and that FIRM0 is correct before using it.
    - Hashes the secret_sector, FIRM0 and FIRM1 from SD (if needed) to verify their integrity.
    - Checks that stage1 and stage2 don't exceed a maximum size.

    How to use:
    - Copy the 3ds folder and the .dat if making a first install, and run the program from a vulnerable firmware; or load the .bin using A9LH itself. PressSELECT for a full install, or to update A9LH if booting from it.
    - If you already have A9LH and are thus updating, copy a payload_stage2.bin (which was originally named stage0x5C000.bin) and apayload_stage1.bin to the a9lh folder on the root of the SD.
    - If doing a full (first) install, you also need to copy these files to the a9lh folder: firm0.bin (which wasnew3ds90.firm), firm1.bin (which wasnew3ds10.firm), secret_sector.bin (only needed on Old 3DS) and your personal otp.bin.

    Thanks go to everyone in #cakey on IRC, to delebile for his A9LH implementation, and to StandardBus who hardmodded my consoles and made this possible. Code for writing to the screens is from CakesFW.

    안정성은 검증되지 않았으니 주의하세요

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    Lv.9 사과군 (2016-05-18 15:41:09)
    이것 안쓰면 arm9loader 설치 못하는데요.
    Lv.3 우오오 (2016-05-18 20:20:37)
    아 그렇군요 죄송합니다
    Gbatemp에 위쪽으로 올라와있어서 릴리즈된줄 알았습니다
    Lv.2 라이트겜 (2016-05-19 20:49:32)
    서양권에서 흔한 포럼형 사이트들은 새 글이 밑에 달리면 목록 위로 올라가는 경우가 많습니다

    도배방지 : 0

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