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  • 덤프 뜬거 용량 줄이려면 어찌해야 하나요?
    작성자 : 오사카아저씨 | 조회수 : 2341 (2016-03-11 오전 10:24:03)
    4g가 넘는 용량의 롬은 어찌 줄여야 sky3ds+에 넣을지... ㅠ

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    Lv.5 KNIl (2016-03-11 10:33:19)

    How can i install a game like Monster Hunter 4 or Xenoblades to my MicroSD card? Since the file format
    of the MicroSD should be in FAT32 it won't allow these big files to be transfered to it.For those large size roms (4GB), you can use the 3rd party tool(like: 3dsexplorer see video here ) to trim
    it to the small size, sky3DS+ works fine with the trimmed rom!
    Lv.4 오사카아저씨 (2016-03-11 10:47:33)
    오 감사합니다. ^^ 저 파일로 트림하면 되는거군요

    도배방지 : 0

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