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  • 게이트웨이 공식 치트사이트가 생겼습니다.
    작성자 : 비주얼 | 조회수 : 6079 (2016-01-08 오후 11:08:37)
    게이트웨이 공식 치트 사이트가 생겼습니다.

    아래는 공식사이트 공지 원문입니다.

    07/01 – Finding cheats

    Posted on January 7, 2016

    With the release of Gateway new cheat functions, and its instant success and popularity, we are often asked about specific cheats and where to find them.

    We would like to recommend 2 sites that are great references for Gateway’s cheat database, constantly adding new updates.

    www.max-cheats.com (Max Cheats, run by Maxconsole.com)
    http://fort42.cu.cc/gateshark/ (Fort 42)

    And cheat code makers can even win free Gateway  units  there. We  are sponsoring cheats sites to support the hard work done by their top posters with free Gateway units giveaway each month! :

    These 2 sites are all you need to get started with what is now the ultimate cheat solution on 3DS/N3DS: Gateway!

    And as always, enjoy!

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    Lv.7 리온™ (2016-01-09 00:21:34)
    좋은 정보 감사합니다
    역시나 정발은 0 이군요 ㅎㅎ
    KOR도 어서 많이 채워지길 기대해봅니다

    Lv.6 윙제로 (2016-01-09 01:38:55)
    좋네요 ㅎㅎ 정발코드도 많아졌으면 합니다

    도배방지 : 0

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