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  • 문길 3.5 올라왔네요
    작성자 : myojin | 조회수 : 7315 (2015-11-12 오전 7:49:02)
    모두들 업!업!업!

    즐거운 게임라이프!!!

    Today we are very proud to present a new firmware update: GATEWAY ULTRA 3.5!

    * Cheat code support
    * Updated emunand support for 10.3 for Old 3DS

    We’ve heard your prayers and here it is! Cheat code support for GATEWAY 3DS!

    First things first. Our current cheat library is very small and should be
    considered more as a proof of concept than anything else. We need you,
    cheat hackers and cheaters around the globe to hack us some cool codes.

    How, you ask us? That is a question we will soon answer, STAY TUNED. 

    And as always, support the innovators not the imitators and ENJOY!

    PS: We have noticed some serious and dangerous flaws in an unofficial Gateway emulation plugin,
    and we strongly urge to cease using this plugin and only use GENUINE Gateway! You have been warned!

    1. Simply copy the folder “cheats” into the root of your microSD card that will go into the Gateway RED card.
    Each file inside the cheats folder will be of the format <TitleID>.txt where TitleID is the title id of the game.

    2. Boot into Gateway mode, and press SELECT to make the Gateway game selection menu appear.

    3. Select your game and then press Y to enter cheat mode.

    4. Enable the cheats you want and then press START to load the game.

    The GATEWAY 3DS cheatcode format is based on the old ActionReplay DS
    code format, the one you all know and love! We added some code types
    for your convenience as well!

    The following code types are supported:

    NOTE: default value of offset and data registers is zero.

    Memory Writes:
    0XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY ? 32bit write to [XXXXXXX + offset]
    1XXXXXXX 0000YYYY ? 16bit write to [XXXXXXX + offset]
    2XXXXXXX 000000YY ? 8bit write to [XXXXXXX + offset]

    Conditional 32bit codes:
    3XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY ? Greater Than (YYYYYYYY > [XXXXXXX + offset])
    4XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY ? Less Than (YYYYYYYY < [XXXXXXX + offset])
    5XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY ? Equal To (YYYYYYYY == [XXXXXXX + offset])
    6XXXXXXX YYYYYYYY ? Not Equal To (YYYYYYYY != [XXXXXXX + offset])

    Conditional 16bit deref + write codes:
    7XXXXXXX ZZZZYYYY ? Greater Than

    Offset Codes:
    BXXXXXXX 00000000 ? offset = *(xxx)
    D3000000 XXXXXXXX ? set offset to immediate value
    DC000000 XXXXXXXX ? Adds an value to the current offset

    Loop Code:
    C0000000 YYYYYYYY ? Sets the repeat value to ‘YYYYYYYY’
    D1000000 00000000 ? Loop execute
    D0000000 00000000 ? Terminator code

    Data Register Codes:
    D4000000 XXXXXXXX ? Adds XXXXXXXX to the data register
    D5000000 XXXXXXXX ? Sets the data register to XXXXXXXX
    D6000000 XXXXXXXX ? (32bit) [XXXXXXXX+offset] = data ; offset += 4
    D7000000 XXXXXXXX ? (16bit) [XXXXXXXX+offset] = data & 0xffff ; offset += 2
    D8000000 XXXXXXXX ? (8bit) [XXXXXXXX+offset] = data & 0xff ; offset++
    D9000000 XXXXXXXX ? (32bit) sets data to [XXXXXXXX+offset]
    DA000000 XXXXXXXX ? (16bit) sets data to [XXXXXXXX+offset] & 0xffff
    DB000000 XXXXXXXX ? (8bit) sets data to [XXXXXXXX+offset] & 0xff

    Special Codes:
    DD000000 XXXXXXXX ? if KEYPAD has value XXXXXXXX execute next block

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.6 살려주세엽 (2015-11-12 08:14:33)
    좋은 정보 감사합니다~!
    그렇지만 뉴다수는 언제 지원하려나요 ㅠㅠ
    Lv.5 하악하악로더 (2015-11-12 09:24:59)
    오 치트지원!!!

    그런데 치트코드가 ㅠㅠ
    Lv.3 서비스의달인 (2015-11-12 09:55:50)
    와우! 발전하는 gateway.
    Lv.13 임죄범 (2015-11-12 10:22:11)
    뉴다수는 도대체 언제쯤.....
    Lv.4 00junn (2015-11-12 10:29:29)
    좋은정보 감사합니다 바로 업해야겠네요
    Lv.4 snmn (2015-11-12 10:30:36)
    자 이제 ds2plus벽돌공장 들어가나요...
    전에 클론은 업뎃후 잘쓰다 노뜬금 벽돌제작했었는데ㄷㄷ...
    Lv.4 00junn (2015-11-12 10:34:22)
    ds2 말고도 게이트웨이 복사가 있던데요 그런애들 업데이트 하는것보면.
    걱정까지 할건 없을것같기도.
    Lv.5 하악하악로더 (2015-11-12 10:39:58)
    그런 애들이 벽돌 됐죠
    Lv.4 00junn (2015-11-12 10:57:24)
    그런건가요 블루카드라던가.ㅋㅋ
    Lv.5 하악하악로더 (2015-11-12 11:02:16)
    예전에 문길 따라나온것들

    다 벽돌 됐어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
    Lv.4 snmn (2015-11-12 12:00:30)
    이번엔 문길팀에서 막겠다고 이야기됬던걸로 압니다
    Lv.6 펠레일 (2015-11-12 14:04:44)
    치트좀 더 쉽게쓸수있을라낭~
    Lv.4 떡연 (2015-11-12 14:19:00)
    이제 치트 코드만 뜨면 되는건가요??/
    아오~~ 신나!!! ㅋㅋㅋ
    Lv.5 하악하악로더 (2015-11-12 16:04:10)
    치트가 빨리 마왔으면 좋갰네요
    Lv.7 bh54jjk (2015-11-12 19:08:14)
    다른것보다, 테마핵스와 충돌되거나, 진입시 튕기는 버그좀 안정적이였으면 좋겠군요.
    Lv.3 kokow (2015-11-12 20:43:47)
    오 곧있으면 치트를 쓸 수 있는건가요? 오우
    Lv.10 bb950606 (2015-11-12 23:38:09)
    뉴다수는 도대체 언제쯤.....2

    도배방지 : 0

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