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  • sd management 설치 실패
    작성자 : post123456 | 조회수 : 2090 (2015-09-25 오후 2:36:15)
    구다수에 sd management 설치 실패했습니다.
    gbatemp 검색해서 이유는 알아냈습니다만 어떻게 해야 되나 방법을 모르겠네요
    현재 일본판 낸드에서 게이트웨이 모드에서만 정상실행가능합니다. 
    (설치도 게이트웨이에서 BBM으로 가능함)
    커펌에서는 정상적으로 설치안됨 (게이트웨이로 설치했어도) 구동이 안됩니다
    I found a CIA of JPN version at that usual place, but I can't install it with FBI or Devmenu on CakesFW/rxTools, it will give me an error.
    I only can install that CIA when I use Gateway to boot into emuNAND. Could you use this microSD management on CakesFW/rxTools?
    The JPN version was likely packed using zero key encryption which only Gateway mode enables. If you install it in gateway mode, it will cause crashes and not boot once you boot into any other CFW. You'll need to find someone to repack it without encryption at all. I only worked on the USA version as I don't have a JPN console to test with (nor will I go through the time and effort to region swap a emunand partition).

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    Lv.4 post123456 (2015-09-25 16:58:29)
    rxtool은 물론 cakesfw에서도 구동안되고 에러메시지 뜨네요.

    도배방지 : 0

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