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  • 큐빅닌자없이 파스타 설치하는법 발견한거 같은데...
    작성자 : gadolt | 조회수 : 6007 (2015-06-10 오후 1:52:26)
    1. Format your SD card. It should be completely blank. Make sure to take a backup if you were using it for something else.
    2. In the "SD Card" folder from Palantine's CFW, you will find files such as Launcher.dat. Copy all of these onto the SD Card.
    3. Now, copy the boot.bin from PBT-CFW. There should already be a boot.bin from Palantine's CFW - delete this one and make sure you are running PBT CFW.
    4. Put the SD into the 3DS. Start the system, and let it create software management information. Now power down the system, and put the SD back into your computer.
    5. Now, in your SD card, there should be a Nintendo 3DS folder. Open it, and open the folder inside that. There should be another, so open that too. You should see a exdata folder.
    6. Make a new folder (not inside the exdata folder, but in the same directory as it) called “dbs”. Go into the folder and make a blank text file, named “title.db” or “import.db”. Doesn’t matter which.
    7. Put the SD back into the 3DS.
    8. Now, navigate to Settings --> Other --> Profile. WHILE HOLDING THE L BUTTON, tap DS Profile. The screen should be a DARK blue on the top. As with regular CFW, the bottom screen should ideally flash white for a moment and then load the CFW. If it doesn't, hold power to reboot the system and repeat step 9. Make sure to hold L.
    9. Now, once you’ve gotten into PBT-CFW, you’ll need your 3DS’ IP Address. You can use the tool you downloaded earlier (the network scanner) to find the devices from Nintendo. Note the IP. (usually looks like
    10. Copy the DevMenu CIA you downloaded earlier into the Palantine CFW folder with run.bat.
    11. Edit the run.bat file in the Palantine CFW folder. Replace the DevMenu_2x.cia part with the name of your CIA, and the IPTOMODIFY with your IP.
    12. Code:
      installcia IPTOMODIFY 1 DevMenu_2x.cia
    13. Code:
      installcia 1 DevMenu_2x.cia
    14. Now execute the run.bat by double clicking it. It should return a result code of 0. If it doesn't, repeat steps 5-14. If it fails to connect, make sure the IP is correct and the 3DS is connected to the internet.
    15. You should now have DevMenu installed onto the 3DS.
    16. Turn off and remove your SD card.
    17. Now, in your SD card,replace Launcher.dat by the Pasta CFW Launcher.dat
    18. Stick your SD card back to 3DS and navigate to Settings --> Other --> Profile. WHILE HOLDING THE L BUTTON, tap DS Profile(Dont always need to hold the L button,just on first time).
    19. If everythings works you will boot on to Pasta CFW without Cubic Ninja!

    번역을 잘 못해서 시도조차도 못하겠네요.
    문길 쓰는 sd카드에 저걸 적용할수 있을지도 잘 모르겠고.

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    Lv.5 갑디 (2015-06-10 14:41:11)
    구3DS 4.5에 mset으로 진입하는 파스타 설치법입니다.
    게이트웨이나 큐빅닌자 없이 젤 처음 devmenu 설치할 때 귀찮은 부분이 있죠. 저 경우 sevedatafiler로 정품 카트리지의 세이브 파일을 백업할 수 없고, GBA 또한 작동하지 않습니다. 참고하세요
    Lv.2 gadolt (2015-06-10 14:51:45)
    그러니깐 반드시 큐빅이 있어야만 gba가 되는군요. 흠.
    Lv.3 FINEDAYS (2015-06-10 15:34:55)
    4.5에서 시스낸드를 해외판 펌으로 변경하면 잘 작동됩니다
    Lv.4 amtim (2015-06-10 17:07:17)
    혹시 국내판 시스넨드를 변경하는 방법 자세히 나온곳 있나요?
    Gbatemp에서 잘 못찾겠습니다

    도배방지 : 0

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