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  • 문길 공지(좀더 기다려 달라네요...)
    작성자 : JinRan | 조회수 : 3976 (2014-12-18 오후 8:45:08)

    Firmware release update

    We  know  many  Gateway  users  are  eagerly  anticipating our upcoming native firmware support for Systems over 4.5 up to 9.2.
    We have currently implemented support for firmware versions 7.0 until 9.2 and adding support for lower versions every day.
    We apologize for the  delay but want to reassure our users that it will be released soon.

    Our  proven policy  is  not  to  rush  a  product for a quick shameless buck, but to release highly featured updates which are also future proof. All  Gateway  owners  have been enjoying our product for up to 18 months now and none of them regret their purchase. The same will remain for new users who we are sure will enjoy their Gateway, probably for the lifetime of their console.

    Thank  you  for your support and we ask you for just a little more patience, our release is now just around the corner.

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.3 게임빵 (2014-12-18 21:05:07)
    게임빵님이 (2014/12/19 01:37)에 삭제 하였습니다.
    Lv.3 성스러운미래 (2014-12-18 21:15:00)
    지금 시중에서 판매되는 게이트웨이로도 가능한가요??
    아니면 뭔가 신형게이트웨이가 발표되서 새로사야하는건가요?
    Lv.4 덴키 (2014-12-19 09:53:23)
    글 느낌이 기존 문길에서 시스템 파일 업데이트 일 것 같은 느낌이 많이 드네요.

    도배방지 : 0

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   



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