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  • F.E.A.R -치트키-
    작성자 : 레잊 | 조회수 : 3807 (2006-09-08 오후 7:59:59)

    Activate Invincibility - God
    Activate Invisibility - NoTarget
    Activate Full Ammo - Ammo
    All weapons - guns
    Full armor - armor
    Full health - health
    Position mode - pos
    All weapons and unlimited ammo - tears
    Ghost mode - poltergeist
    Increase health and reflexes - gear
    Level skip - maphole
    Weapons, full ammo, armor, health - kfa
    Spawn indicated weapon - gimmegun [밑에 참조...]
    Display build version - build

    Weapon names
    Use one of the following entries with the gimmegun code to spawn the corresponding weapon.

    Assault rifle: assault rifle
    Cannon: cannon
    Dual pistols: dual pistols
    Frag grenade: frag grenade
    Missile launcher: missile launcher
    Nailgun: nail gun
    Pipe bomb: remote charge
    Pistol: pistol
    Plasma railgun: plasma weapon
    Semi-auto rifle: semi-auto rifle
    Shotgun: shotgun
    SMG: submachinegun
    Trip mine: proximity

    사용방법은 플레이 도중 키보드 "T" 버튼을 누르시면 "SAY:" 라는 문자가 생성되는데 여기에 다가 위에 있는 치트키를 넣고 엔터 치면 됩니다.

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