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    작성자 : Sadcafe | 조회수 : 2138 (2005-08-09 오후 7:57:39)
    MPSHADOW - 크로우가 투명해진다
    MPFRANKLIN - 라이트닝소드를 얻는다
    MPPENGUIN - 아이스소드를 얻는다
    MPAPPLE - 에너지를 꽉 채운다
    MPGANDALF - 매직을 꽉 채운다
    MPKFA - 무적모드
    MPLOADED - 총알을 꽉 채운다
    MPSUPERTHROW - 슈퍼드로우모드
    MPHOTSTUFF - 파이어소드를 얻는다
    MPJORDAN - 슈퍼점프모드 ON/OFF
    MPBLASTER - 다이나마이트를 꽉 채운다
    MPSTOPWATCH - Elapsed time display ON/OFF
    MPPOS - Shows global position
    MPFPS - Framerate ON/OFF
    MPOBJECTS - Shows # of objects on
    MPNOINFO - show/hide info for above 4 cheats
    MPLITH - Monolith logos & Music
    MPMONOLITH - same as above
    MPBUNZ - Make Claw Strong
    MPLOGO - same as mplith & mpmonolith
    MPMOONGOODIES - Moongoodies ON/OFF
    MPSPOOKY - Make Claw invisible to enemies
    MPHAUNTED - Make Enemies into ghosts
    MPWIMPY - Claw is weak
    MPBOTLESS - Toggle background ON/OFF
    MPMIDLESS - Middle Plane ON/OFF
    MPTOPLESS - Top Plane ON/OFF
    MPINCVID - Increase Resolution
    MPDECVID - Decrease Resolution
    MPDEFVID - Default Resolution
    MPJAZZY - 320X200 Resolution
    MPGOBLE - Brian L. Goble is a programming god...
    MPSCORPIO - same as above
    MPDEVHEADS - Shows developers heads in place of treasure
    MPFREAK - Catnip

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