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  • Euro PS3 Out, Where is the Loader?
    작성자 : 천사소녀 | 조회수 : 7421 (2007-03-23 오후 7:06:15)

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    PS3 PAL버전 출시에 맞춰서 공개하겠다던 PS3 로더...

    PDX Loader 공개 여부에 대한 질문이 PS3news에 올라오고 있어서 해석해 보았습니다.


     Euro PS3 Out, Where is the Loader?
    유럽판 플삼이가 나왔어요. 로더는 어디에?

    That's what the GODS promised :-) Are they doing their "final QA testing" ?
    So, basically up to FW 1.50 the loader works, and any version higher than that "might" require some additional wizardry on the GODS' part. Right?

    파라독스팀의 GODS대장이 약속했죠. (유럽판 플스3가 나오면 로더를 공개한다고...)
    파이널 테스트 중인가요?
    펌웨어 1.5까지 로더가 작동하고 상위버전은 추가적인 작업이 필요하다고 했었는데... 맞나요?

    Junior Member

    "if and when it is ready"
    Believe me, I want a PS1/PS2 iSO loader more than anything now

    저는 무엇보다도 PS1/PS2 iSO loader가 되길 원해욧.  

    Junior Member

    woot got my ps3 (euro), so i def need some games to download as i haven't bought any (no oblivion and no F.E.A.R. so i don't bother). waits patiently for loader*

    저도 PS3 유럽판을 구입했습니다. 그리고 제가 못산 게임들을 다운로드 받고 싶습니다. 
    인내심을 가지고 기다려 봅시다.

    Junior Member

    Waiting ... i got my PS3 some hours ago need to try it more tonight.
    Loader, need to wait ... not very stressed about that.

    난 몇시간 전에 PS3를 구입했어.. 벌써 한밤 중이라구!!!!
    좀만 기다려...로더 때문에 너무 스트레스 받지 말고...


    Just got my UK PS3 with Motorstorm and Resistance!!!!!!!

    저도 방금 PS3 영국버전과 게임을 구입했어요.

    Junior Member

    "If and when it is ready..."

    Well we all read from various NFO notes that "Euro owners are VERRY lucky that the shipping 1.50 FW is still OK for the loader. So, clearly it is "working". Maybe there is some code cleanup they have to do, like tying up some loose ends?

    If --> well they have been telling us that it works up to 1.50, so I would assume that it IS in some shape or form "ready"

    10 WAIT FOR LOADER 15 PRINT "Can't ... wait ... any ... longer ... :?? " 20 GOTO 10


    My god i am waiting for my PS3`s, and the loader, and my new baby has been crying for 4 days, i have had 2 hours sleep , ahhh im going to wet myself........

    오 마이 갓... 나는 PS3를 기다리고 있어. 또한 로더도 기다리고 있지... 
    컥...나의 베이비가 4일동안 울부짓고 있어.. 그래서 2시간밖에 못잤어...

    Junior Member

     wonder why PDX don't release, if not a working loader, at least FULL details about the exploit they found.
    In fact, PS3 is selling world wide now, and $ony already figured out the big bug and fixed that in 1.54 fw, so there is no more reason to keep it secret.

    If the GODs release the exploit details, once the mass of dev'ers can run unsigned code on their own PS3's they could bring their own contribute to the scene publishing their own loaders, downgraders, custom firmware's and so on, like it happened in the PSP scene.
    And likely they would find some more vulnerabilities even on newest firmware's.

    On the other hand, if the details won't be released, many more people (dev'ers included) would prefer to upgrade their ps3 to be able, at least, to keep playing multiplayer games online...

    Just my thoughts.

    Junior Member

    Paradox sucks and then have prolly nothing to show, they should go and fuck off.

    파라독스 이 썩을 녀석들... 아마도 아무것도 보여줄게 없을꺼야...
    그들을 지옥으로 가야해...

    Junior Member

    hehehe 위의 분 최고...

    PARADOX..GODs 언제 로더를 공개할 것인지...

    벌써 몇 달째 연재하는 스페셜 노트...

    진짜 대형 낚시가 아니길 빕니다.

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.6 빛과소금 (2007-03-24 03:05:53)
    대형 낚시라...하하...
    그래도 하던 사람들인지라... 믿어 봐야 하지 않겠나요...^^
    Lv.12 HiNaTa (2007-03-24 10:18:48)
    낚시 면..정말....
    기다리고 있던 사람들 낭패...
    Lv.4 현돌이 (2007-03-24 14:43:07)
    이거 낙시라면 큰일인데요..이제것 기다린 저의 노력이...
    Lv.2 나이킥 (2007-03-24 17:27:57)
    과연 진실은 무엇인지.....
    Lv.2 쿠니오 (2007-03-25 20:06:40)
    빨리 구입하고 싶은데 소프트가 별로 없어서,ㅠ_ㅠ
    Lv.2 달려보자 (2007-03-26 08:34:25)
    낚시인거 같아도 믿어보는 사람.... 나역시 희망을 버리지 않겠어요
    Lv.2 소오라짱 (2007-03-27 00:39:07)
    아빨리 나왔으면 좋겠네요^^
    Lv.2 하오고 (2007-03-27 15:00:06)
    난 플삼이 로더나올때까지 구입안해야지...
    Lv.2 jin01 (2007-03-27 23:37:59)
    음.. 로더라.. 괜찮을려나..
    Lv.2 총통 (2007-03-28 00:10:07)
    낙시인가.... 구매의욕이 확 꺽이네요....
    Lv.2 샤단 (2007-03-29 15:38:38)
    흠 도돼체 우리나라에는 언제 정발이 되져 ?
    정발안되는건가요? 기다리기 힘드넹 ㅡ.ㅜ
    Lv.3 1902 (2007-04-03 00:05:54)
    대형낙시인가 아니기를 ...
    Lv.2 GTO_GTO (2007-04-11 13:14:05)
    아직까지 소식이 없는게 조금은 문제가 있는 느낌이 드는것은 왜 일까요?..^^;
    Lv.2 davic (2007-04-20 12:41:41)
    그냥 기다리는게 나을듯..

    도배방지 : 0

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