오늘자로 발표된 코브라 ODE(Optical Drive Emulator for PS3)의 소식입니다.
3000/4000 번대를 포함한 모든 PS3를 지원한다고 공식 발표했네요. 베타 테스터들을 통한 결론으로 보입니다.
- Play all PS3 games - Play PS2/PS1 games on backwards compatible consoles(하위호환기종에서만 가능) - Solderless installation on all FAT consoles and 20xx/21xx SLIM consoles (FAT과 21XX는 남땝 작업이 필요없군요)
- Easy and fast installation for 25xx series SLIM, 3000 series SLIM and 4000 series SUPER SLIM consoles (쉽고 빠르다는데 이건 아마도 작업이 필요한 듯 보여요^^)
- Supports all current OFW and CFW's (현존하는 모든 정펌과 커펌 지원)
- OSD selection of ISO's
(OSD가 On screen Display를 의미하는걸까요? 이건 정확지가 않네요^^ ISO를 선택한다는 의미인데) - UI commander included (UI 커멘더 내장)
- Easy selection of Emulation and pass through modes (에뮬레이션 기능을 켜고 끌 수 있다는 의미죠^^)
- Flexible and powerful embedded OS (수정가능하고 강력한 OS 내장)
- High speed ARM and onboard FPGA's are updatable via inbuilt updater mechanism (성능 뛰어나단 소리죠^^)
- Movie ISO's supported
(영화 ISO 지원하네요) - Additional hardware interface included to support future hardware addons, giving user maximum flexibility
Models supported:
One hardware revision supports all.
Our hardware has been designed to both fit inside and interface with the Super Slim version of the consoles, as well as the SLIM and older FAT systems.
If you upgrade at any time from a FAT to a SLIM or a Super SLIM, then there's no need to buy a new device....
Support for the newer consoles such as 25xx, 3xxx and 4xxx to run ISO's will be included at release.
4000번대를 포함한 모든 PS3 모델을 지원하며 기기를 바꿀 시에도 새로운 장비를 살 필요가 없다는군요.
Game Ripping:
Functionality will be added shortly after release of the device via a firmware update.
Ripping speed will be almost as fast as that reached by connecting drive to PC and users will benefit from the convenience of a hassle free game ripping experience! Rip games directly on PS3 to an external USB HDD in ISO format.
Additionally we will provide a PC app at time of release of the product to market which allows conversion of JB game dumps to ISO format, so users can simply download games from the net and convert them with our app. The app will patch additional data required to create necessary ISO format.
게임 리핑은 펌웨어 업데이트를 통해서 지원될거래요. 맆된 게임은 USB 스토리지에 ISO로 저장할 수 있고 PC용 어플을 통해 손쉽게 리핑 및 변환할 수 있다는 내용이네요.^^
2월부터 판매됩니다. 기대해도 좋을 것 같습니다.