PS2 DMS4 S.E. PRO용 ToxicOS 0.41 버전이 출시되었습니다.
이번 버전에서는 UDMA, MDMA 모드를 포함한 여러가지 세팅 모드가 추가되었고, AFL premier 2005 프로텍션 (완다와 거상 등의 게임에 적용된 보호모듈)을 무력화 시켰다고 합니다.
릴리즈된 자료들은 PS 자료실에 올려놓았습니다.
자세한 특징은 아래를 참조하시길 바랍니다.
ToxicOS 0.41 has been released. This is mainly to resolve a few bugs in the 0.4 release, however we have also added some new features for our supporters. Changes include:
- Fixed problem preventing cheats from working when launching a game from CD/DVD.
- Added HDD mode setting - now you can select a custom UDMA or MDMA transfer mode. This should help with installing games on PSTwo machines.
- Added support for changing the GUI color scheme (now available are Blue, Green, Orange, Red, Purple, Grey).
- Compatibility fixes for playing games from the HDD. Games such as AFL Premier 2005 are now supported.
- Various GUI fixes/improvements.