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  • 비타쉘 1.97 로 업데이트 되네요.
    작성자 : leeanne | 조회수 : 4328 (2018-09-18 오후 12:35:41)

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    Lv.2 jjom (2018-09-18 14:13:42)

    Changelog 1.97
    Added support for symlinks which enables ability to set and show bookmarks and recent files. Thanks to abertschi.
    Added a few shortcuts: left+[]: show bookmarks, left+/: show recent files, left+O: QR scanner.
    Fixed bug in ad-hoc dialog where X is always the enter button.

    북마크, 최근 항목 기능과 북마크, 최근 항목, QR 스캐너용 숏컷이 생겼네요.

    도배방지 : 0

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