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  • 3.68 설치 관련 질문드립니다. ^^
    작성자 : 변압기 | 조회수 : 2017 (2018-07-02 오전 7:51:48)
    현재 3.68 정펌에 16기가 비타정품 메모리를 쓰고 있습니다. 

    추후 사용할 것을 생각해서 sd2vita 5.0과 샌디스크 sd 256기가를 주문해놓았는데, 참고 기다리기 힘드네요 ㅎㅎ

    질문1. 지금 상태에서 3.68 h-encore를 올린 후 나중에 메모리를 sd2vita로 갈아끼기만 해도 h-encore 펌웨어 상태가 유지될까요? 아니면 sd2vita 메모리에 새로 작업을 해야하나요?

    질문2. sd2vita 5.0이 2세대 3.68 펌웨어, 3.68 h-encore 펌에 호환이 될런지요. 

    고수님들의 친절한 답변 부탁드립니다~

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    Lv.19 민탱이 (2018-07-02 08:54:14)
    "Are Adrenaline/NoNpDrm/Download Enabler supported on 3.65/3.67/3.68?" - Yes, check them in my repositories.
    "Can I use SD2VITA using this hack?" - Yes, I have made a pull request on gamecard-microsd that fixed the freeze when using it without enso. If you're using an other plugin and it freezes on exitting h-encore bootstrap menu, then there's the trick where you can simply press the PS Button and return back to finish the boot process.
    "Can I use psvsd using this hack?" - It should, but I'm not sure, as I haven't tested it. If it doesn't, then the driver must be updated, but that's not my task.
    "Does this work, does that work? Is this compatible, is that compatible?" - I don't know, and it is not my task to update these tools for you, so don't dare and file an issue here.

    잘될거라고 써있네요.

    도배방지 : 0

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