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  • 3.61이상게임덤프(만)하는방법
    작성자 : dkahffk456 | 조회수 : 6486 (2017-09-19 오전 1:35:46)
    1. Dump Steins;Gate 0 Assets on a 3.60 Vita(Do note that if you want you can use the PSTV/VitaTV method which is less complex but may require more time)
    3. 0) Before begining make sure you have enabled Henkaku on your device by going to henkaku.xyz
    4. 1) Once you've enabled henkaku insert the cartridge so that the vita can install the Steins;Gate 0 bubble
    5. 2) In molecularShell make sure "Enable unsafe homebrew"(in the start button menu) is set to on and you've closed and restart it so it can take effect.
    6. 3) In molecularShell hit select to start the FTP server and transfer your app.db(/ur0/shell/db/) to your computer.
    7. 4) Make a copy as a backup if you want and then open it in your favorite SQlite program(I'll just be using sqlite3.exe) run the following queries:
    8. INSERT INTO tbl_uri VALUES ("NPXS10000",1,"ux0",NULL);
    9. INSERT INTO tbl_uri VALUES ("NPXS10000",1,"gro0",NULL);
    10. UPDATE tbl_appinfo SET val = "vs0:app/NPXS10027/eboot.bin" WHERE titleId = "NPXS10000" AND key = 3022202214;
    11. UPDATE tbl_appinfo SET val = 0 WHERE key = 435879887 OR key = 3794959877;
    12. 5) Save the changes you've made and transfer the app.db back to your vita then restart the vita.
    13. 6) Once restarted don't forget to re-enable henkaku. After doing so open molecularShell and go to "gro0/app" and write down the folder name(In my case it's "PCSE00949"). Now go to "ux0/patch/" and create a folder(Press triangle) with the name of the folder you just wrote down for me it's "PCSE00949". Navigate to ux0/app/MLCL00001/ and copy all the files(triangle > Mark all > copy) now go back to the folder we just made and paste the files(triangle > paste).
    14. 7) Now close molecularShell and open the browser and go to "gro0:app/<foldername from earlier ex. PCSE00949>". It should open the Near app and bring you to the game Manual. Hit the home button and then launch the Steins;Gate 0 game bubble(Leaving the near app running).
    15. 8) You're basicly done! Navigate to "gro0:app/<folder from earlier ex. PCSE00949>/" and start FTP and transfer the USRDIR to your computer.
    16. <INSERT steps for the installer>
    18. Dump Steins;Gate 0 Assets on a 3.60 PSTV/VitaTV(You may be able to use the Vita method though with Near disabled by default I couldn't get it to run in the background. If you want to give it a try. Add the following to your tbl_appinfo - http://pastebin.com/6XQkWUeq)
    20. 0) Before begining make sure you have enabled Henkaku on your device by going to henkaku.xyz
    21. 1) Once you've enabled henkaku insert the cartridge so that the VitaTV can install the Steins;Gate 0 bubble
    22. 2) In molecularShell make sure "Enable unsafe homebrew"(in the start button menu) is set to on and you've closed and restart it so it can take effect.
    23. 3) In molecularShell hit select to start the FTP server and transfer over the Vitamin_v2.0.vpk from your computer(https://bitbucket.org/TheOfficialFloW/vitamin/downloads) and then install it.
    24. 4) After doing so open molecularShell and go to "gro0/app" and write down the folder name(In my case it's "PCSE00949"). Now go to "ux0/patch/" and create a folder(Press triangle) with the name of the folder you just wrote down for me it's "PCSE00949". Navigate to ux0/app/MLCL00001/ and copy all the files(triangle > Mark all > copy) now go back to the folder we just made and paste the files(triangle > paste).
    25. 5) Start Vitamin and select Steins;Gate 0 > Dump full game > Store(I guess you could compress it if you like but that'd take more time). Follow the steps you normally would to dump with Vitamin. PLEASE NOTE that it WILL fail when it trys to dump something(I think it's the eboot?) but don't worry the vpk it creates will have the USRDIR.
    26. 6) Go to molecularShell and start FTP then transfer the VPK to your computer. Open the VPK(it's just a zip file and get your USRDIR folder)
    27. <INSERT steps for the installer>
    29. Credits:
    30. * Developed by mr.gas and Major_Tom - http://pastebin.com/pz9FbTet
    31. * Two additional modifications made by DrDaxxy - https://gbatemp.net/threads/note-you-can-still-dump-assets-of-3-61-exclusive-games-on-3-60.446829/

    이러하다 슈타인즈게이트 0 덤프방법잇길래 퍼오기만햇습니다 번역은역시 구글
    대충 설명하면 DB Browser for SQLite 란 프로그램으로 비타 app.db 를 수정하여 덤프(긁어내기)를 우회하는 방식이라고 보면됀다 이거 올라왓엇는지 검색이안되므로 일단 올리고봄..

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    Lv.2 dkahffk456 (2017-09-19 01:37:39)
    그런데 이런방식으로하면 PS3인가 PSX인가 게임마냥 DRM어쩌고 가 헥스에 나오더군요 중간에eboot.bin 수정이 끊기는듯합니다
    Lv.3 한글패치드림 (2017-09-19 07:32:16)
    예전부터 이방법으로 짜집기해서 한글화 된 작품이 몇몇 있습니다,
    뭐 직접 디크립트 했다고 구라를 치는 허언증 걸린 사람도 종종 있었구요.
    마이 덤프로도 가능한 방법이고, 더 쉽게 하려면 그냥 비타쉘 최신 버젼 (1.7x) 설치 하셔서
    PFS 디크립트해서 덤프하시면 됩니다.

    도배방지 : 0

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