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  • 전부터 궁금했지만, 3.61콘텐츠 편법으로 덤프띄우는 방법
    작성자 : 카뮤☆ | 조회수 : 6023 (2016-11-07 오전 10:29:43)

    When games come out that demand a higher version than 3.60 take the following steps #################################################################

    Full disclaimer 

    -This is intended for 1.2 Vitamin or later. Vitamin will still only do so much. It's not perfect, and this isn't either. 

    -This will not ensure your game dumps will work. That part is solely on TheFloW and Vitamin 1.1. However, it should allow you to be on a firmware lower than it wants and still dump it. 

    -At this moment in time Vitamin is still v1.1 and only supports so much, and I dont have any games that require 3.61, but this is what I expect to work (and has shown to work in the past).

    -The only tests I've run have been with sub 3.60 games and modifying them to demand 3.61+, seeing if they fail to boot, then returning them to a 3.60 or lower firmware. 

    -My systems are CEX2DEX, and some firmware restrictions are not present as a result. CEX (PCH, VTE) may have more restrictions, hence why I'm keeping this all here. 

    -Parts of this may or may not be important. 

    -I cannot spoonfeed you. If something isn't right you can try problem solving. You have Google, something people seem to forget, so use it.


    0) What you're going to need

    -Henkaku (http://henkaku.xyz/


    -Vita (PCH) or PSTV (VTE) 

    -FW 3.60 

    -knowledge of Bandaid dumps (http://pastebin.com/mE4YUBFP

    -Vitamin (for bandaid or normal dumps as you wish) 


    1) FTP your id.dat (on ux0) 


    2) Open it in HxD and change the following SVR=03600000 to SVR=03610000 


    3) Write your changes and FTP it back to the memory card (if you reboot you will lose access to the memory card until its formatted or the system is updated) 


    4) Apply Bandaid and dump (or apply bandaid and dump with Standalone Vitamin) 


    5) When complete, FTP the id.dat back to your system and write the following changes SVR=03610000 to SVR=03600000 


    6) Write the changes and FTP it back to the memory card 


    7) Extract the VPK and open the param.sfo (found in sce_sys) in HxD and look for the version the game demands. This is not an easy task so I have supplied 2 images showing where these values are. 

    -The first one (readable) should be 03.600 (30 33 2E 36 30 30) or lower 

    -The second one (reversed, view hex) should be ..... (00 00 00 00 60 03) 

    -Together it looks like 03.600..... (30 33 2E 36 30 30 00 00 00 00 60 03) 


    8) Write your changes to the param.sfo 


    9a) Create a folder for your game in ux0:patch and FTP your game dump's eboot.bin, sce_sys (with modified param.sfo), and sce_module folders. (also remove vitamin if it's there) 


    9b) Overwrite the param.sfo in the main game directory (ux0:app/[game]/sce_sys) 


    10) View the files in Vitashell to ensure they were changed correctly (param.sfo, id.dat) 


    11) Reboot and enter recovery mode for a database rebuild just to be sure all was done right 


    12) Play your 3.61+ game on 3.60


    분명 월오판도 이런식으로 덤프 띄워서 가능했던거루 기억합니다만

    요세 일이 빠듯해서 테스트는 못해봤네요. :D

    해보신 분.. 계시나요?

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    Lv.3 RTFR (2016-11-07 10:48:02)
    위의 방법에 관해 yifanlu의 답변

    Complete BS
    (개소리...)라고 하네요

    Very likely to be lv0 checks. At offset 0x1B0 of the control info of the SELF, there is a min system version field. This is signed along with the rest of the SELF and is likely checked by lv0. That means we won't be able to bypass it anytime soon (it would require a lv0 hack). It is also possible that Sony added new keys to 3.61, which means that lv0 must be hacked in 3.61 to get them.
    Lv.3 RTFR (2016-11-07 10:53:32)
    월오판의 경우는 미리 유출된 북미판 카트리지가 3.60 버전에 멀티랭귀지라
    가능했던 것이고

    이번에 나온 루트레터 북미판 덤프는
    위의 방법이 아니라 다른방법입니다

    다만 공통언어인 영문과는 달리 한국어판은
    폰트등이 EBOOT내에 포함되어 있는 게임이 다수고
    폰트가 따로 있다 하더라도 스크립트 출력문제 때문에
    한국어판은 사실상 의미가 없다고 보면 될거 같습니다
    Lv.3 카뮤☆ (2016-11-07 11:22:33)
    그랬었군요 :(
    어서 덤프방법이든 새로운 편법이든 나왔으면 하네요 ;D
    Lv.3 ninebreaker (2016-11-07 11:25:34)
    이방법 여기에 처음 올린게 접니다.
    되나 안되나 검증이나 해볼려고 ㅋ
    Lv.7 FINEDAYS (2016-11-07 12:07:01)
    디지털로 다운로드한다음에 app.db 변조하는게 유일한 방법입니다
    Lv.3 헨타쿠 (2016-11-07 14:04:33)
    될리가있나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    도배방지 : 0

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