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  • 한국도 루트레터덤프 가능 할까요?
    작성자 : 니모막시누스 | 조회수 : 3653 (2016-11-03 오후 4:09:32)
    레딧에서 루트레터 EU판을 구동에 성공했다는 글을 보았는데
    EU판도 한국과 마찬가지로 3.61이라 덤프가 불가능하지만 일본 eboot을 이용하여 오류가 있기는 하지만 구동 가능하게 만들었다는데 한국판도 가능 할것같기도 하네요
    그냥 일본판에 EU판 언어로 패치한걸까요? 영알못이라 자세히 알아먹지는 못하겠네요

    First, this is not my dump, I'm just sharing the hard work of an anon from /hbg/. He was able to dump the EU assets of Root Letter (3.61) and restructured the cpks so they would work with the japanese eboot.

    Now, and the main reason I'm posting this, is that the japanese version stops displaying text after 54 characters in a line, so unless there's a line break to make it move line down, text cuts off like pic sometimes. The text is stored in the PCSB01019\Media\StreamingAssets\GAME\script.cpk at script\text\data\XXXX.dbin as UTF-8 encoded text, null terminated for each line (meaning each line ends with a 00 byte) Line breaks are designated a 0A byte (in place of a space). Anon moved where the line breaks for this particular line were and tested, it works, but to get the game fully working, this will need doing for every line with more than 54 characters. This would take too long to do manually, so unless someone program something to do it, you'll have to deal with this issue.

    The game is fully playable tho, O and X button prompts are reversed and the cut lines still show up in full in the log (press square). I hope some programmer read this and provide a tool to get this game fully working.

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    Lv.7 FINEDAYS (2016-11-03 17:38:01)
    디지털로 구매한 게임에서 eboot.bin을 제외한 파일을 덤프하는게 가능하고
    일본판이랑 짬뽕시켜서 프랑켄슈타인 덤프를 만들면 가능할 것 같네요
    Lv.15 구엑박은튼튼 (2016-11-03 19:03:51)
    복잡한 작업인데 DL판 구입에 이붓해석까지 이런 수고스러움을 감당하고 할분이 있을까요

    도배방지 : 0

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