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  • ps vita가 듀얼부팅에 성공한것 같습니다
    작성자 : E그랑땡 | 조회수 : 15563 (2014-01-21 오후 11:27:05)
    출처 :

    It didn’t take long for Yifan Lu’s investigations to become useful for other hardware hackers! Our community member katsu, guided by Yifan’s precise description of the Vita’s NAND pinouts, was able to hack his PS Vita in order to boot from a previous firmware, technically performing something very similar to a downgrade. Check the video below, it’s cool and full of “electronics porn”, like your favorite cyberpunk movie.


    What katsu did was dump his firmware 2.12 (on the NAND), probably using Yifan Lu’s technique. He then copied that Firmware dump to an SD card. In the meantime, he upgraded the PS Vita to firmware 3.01. On the video, you see him inserting his SD card in a reader connected to the Vita. The Vita then reads the content of the SD card (the firmware 2.12 he dumped earlier) instead of its own 3.01 NAND.

    What the hell does all of that mean? First of all, that Yifan Lu’s little experiment in the hardware world is proving successful, by providing inspiration and documentation for other talented hardware modders.


    Secondly, that downgrading a PS Vita is a possibility under certain conditions: what the experience proves here is that technically your Vita is able to go back to a firmware that was previously installed on it. This might sound obvious, but it means that installing firmware 3.01 did not “change” anything that would make the Vita backward incompatible with its previous firmwares. That’s something that eventually Sony could change, but for now this is promising.

    Now don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean downgrading a Vita will become mainstream overnight! The hardware modifications required here are pretty big for now, and more importantly, this would only work with a NAND dump of your own Vita, as it is very likely that the NAND encryption key is specific to each console. One wouldn’t be able to downgrade to someone else’s firmware. What this means though is that today, someone with cheap hardware and the required skills could dump their Vita 3.01 NAND, upgrade to Sony’s next firmware to get all the benefit of the PSN, and boot from firmware 3.01 again whenever they feel like running Total_Noob’s Custom Firmware again.

    Here again, I am making this sound a bit better than it really is. Katsu did not prove it was possible to write anything back to the NAND, just that he is booting the firmware from an external reader, which according to him takes 10 minutes. Not something very practical for now.

    Nevertheless, this is pretty exciting, and could be the first (second?) step in some cool Vita hardware hacks. Let’s see how this develops!

    Yifan Lu가 사용한 낸드 추출을 이용해서 한 유저가 듀얼부팅에 성공했다는 이야기 같습니다.

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    Lv.8 냐옹아 (2014-01-22 15:38:08)
    그럼이것은 멀뜻하는건가요??ㅎㅎ 슬슬 입질오는건가요??
    Lv.3 행인8 (2014-01-24 10:39:13)
    슬슬 그분이 오시는건가, 아니면 코쟁이들에 설레발인가..
    비타겜은 아니더라도, ps1/psp/그외에뮬 들을 psp 에뮬레이터 방식이 아닌
    제대로된 비타 화질에서 보고싶습니다.
    익스플로잇은 비타에psp 에뮬을 돌리는거라, 정말 의미가 없더군요.
    화질도 psp똑같은화질로 나오다보니.. psp 받아서 돌리면 필터?체크가 되서 그거쓰면
    화질이 상승하긴하는데 gba에뮬같은거나 sfc에뮬들도 psp화질로고대로 나와버리니ㅡㅡ
    Lv.3 공수래공수거 (2014-01-24 16:29:17)
    낸드 덤프는 이미 3DS의 경우엔 작년 한참 전에 성공한 거고 그걸 비타는 이제 성공한거라고 보시면 됩니다. 낸드 덤프로 인한 다운그레이드도 이미 예전에 3DS에선 가능했던 거구요. 낸드 덤프가 되었다고 커펌이 바로 나오는 것도 아닐 뿐더러 직접 납땜해서 붙이는 게 아닌 소프트웨어 적인 방법로 접근하려면 또 상당한 시간이 걸리지 싶어요.
    Lv.15 코딱까리 (2014-01-24 20:00:56)
    낸드덤프에는 일희일비 할게 아니라고 봅니다. 물론 해킹의 첫걸음이기는 하겠지만 말이죠.

    도배방지 : 0

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