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  • 철권6 patch for 5.00 M33-6
    작성자 : 와꾸 | 조회수 : 20868 (2009-11-28 오전 11:00:38)

    1. PSP 지역코드 : 정발판
    2. 펌웨어 버전 : 5.00

    3. 에러내용 또는 문의사항 :

    Tekken 6 patch for 5.00 M33-6 and higher + UMD version to PSN version ISO converter

    I've tested this patch and it is working on:
    - 5.50 GEN-D2 (Fat PSP and Slim PSP)
    - 5.03 MHU (Slim PSP using 5.03 HEN).
    - 5.00 M33-6 (Both Fat and Slim PSP)
    Patch should work on all custom firmwares that are 5.00 M33-6 and higher.
    You may need to set the CPU speed to default to get the game to start.
    If the patched game isn't working and you are on 5.50 GEN-B2, try updating to 5.50 GEN-D2.

    If you need to update from an older custom firmware to 5.50 GEN-D2, you can find the files and instructions here:
    PSPs that are using the '5.03 HEN', DO NOT update to 5.50 GEN-D2 you will brick your PSP if you do.

    There is a Patch to convert the UMD version to PSN version further down this post if you want to change the version.
    If you are not sure which version you have then scroll down to the "Tekken 6 Version Check" section at the bottom of this post.

    /!\ Do not rebuild the ISO with UMDGEN! /!\
    UMDGEN will cut out the 'hidden' data file making the ISO not work.

    Recommended Custom Firmware Settings:
    (press 'select' in the XMB to change the settings)
    UMD Mode: Sony NP9660
    CPU Clock XMB: Default
    CPU Clock Game: Default


    Tekken 6 - Patch for 5.00 M33-6 and higher

    Windows Patcher: (Works on both UMD and PSN versions of the ISO)
    Patcher for Windows that puts the patched eboot.bin into the PSN version of the ISO.
    This is the new version of the patch that works on 5.00 M33-6 and 5.03 MHU.
    You can safely apply the patch over an older already patched ISO.
    you can even put the patch files on your PSP and patch the ISO directly.

    T6-WorkingPatch.rar: http://www.mediafire.com/?wlzwrjioddt

    Windows Patcher - Applying Instructions:
    1) Make a backup copy of your ISO before applying this patch just in case something goes wrong.
    2) Extract the Patch and place the 3 files into same folder as your 'Tekken 6' ISO.

    3) Go to the properties of your ISO and untick the read-only box if it is ticked, then click apply > ok.

    4) Rename your ISO to "Tekken6" if you have 'file extensions' turned off (this is the default on windows)
    (If you have turned 'hide file extensions for known filetypes' off you need to rename your ISO to "Tekken6.iso".)

    5) Double click the patch file, press any key and it will apply the fixed eboot.bin.
    6) You should see a lot of dots on the screen when it is patching.
    (If you don't see the dots either your ISO is read-only or is not named right.)

    7) Press any key to close the patcher when its done.
    8) Copy the patched "Tekken6.iso" file to your memory stick.


    PPF Patch: (Has patches for both UMD and PSN versions)
    Patch in PPF Format, You will need a 'PPF Applier' program to apply the patches.
    (for Windows use 'PPF-o-Matic', for Mac use "PPFMaster" and for Linux use "Linux PPF Patcher")

    T6-UMDPSNWorkingPPF.rar: http://www.mediafire.com/?5qydeim52md

    PPF Patch - Applying Instructions:
    1) Make a backup copy of your ISO before applying this patch just in case something goes wrong.
    2) Extract the PPF patches from the RAR file.
    3) Start the program that can apply PPF patches to files.
    4) In the 'ISO File' box of your program choose your Untouched Tekken 6 ISO.
    5) In the 'Patch File' box of your program, choose the 'PPF Patch' that suits your version.
    (If you are not too sure what version you have, look at the "Tekken 6 Version Check" section below.)

    6) Click 'Apply patch' and the patch will be applied to your ISO.
    7) Copy the patched ISO to your memory stick.


    Convert 'Tekken 6' UMD version ISO into the PSN version ISO.

    This just converts the 'UMD version' of the game to the 'PSN version' of the game.
    Once you have converted your 'UMD Version' into the PSN version,
    you can apply the working patch which is located at the top of this post.

    Source ISO Info: (UMD Version)
    Size: 816 MB (855,638,016 bytes)
    CRC: ae9abfb0
    MD5: 740f4fb82775d4e8c1843fa9777f5389
    SHA-1: ba1c98d3b30f296c4fe03a68bb7ce51738e069d6

    Destination ISO Info: (PSN Version)
    Size: 816 MB (855,638,016 bytes)
    CRC: aa9adeb9
    MD5: d235beebe9ea33d558218e741ab6c3c9
    SHA-1: 25942b1f0c2c9b5046f6a1ad867e8f63a918d237

    PPF Patch: (Includes PPF-o-Matic for Windows)
    T6UMDtoPSN-PPF.rar: http://www.mediafire.com/?2z1wzne2z5f

    PPF Convert Instructions:
    1) Make a copy of your original ISO (apply the patch to the copy)
    2) Extract the PPF Patch into a new folder.
    3) Open PPF-o-matic and in the ISO File box choose your 'Tekken 6 UMD version ISO'
    4) in the Patch file box, choose the "Tekken6-UMDtoPSN-Patch.ppf" file.
    5) Click Apply and your UMD Version will be changed into the PSN version.
    6) Rename your new converted ISO so you know its the PSN version.


    Tekken 6 Version Check

    1. Open the ISO with UMDGEN (or winrar or any program that can open ISO files)
    2. Go to the "PSP_GAME \ SYSDIR \ UPDATE" folder and check the size of the DATA.BIN file.

    If the DATA.BIN file size is: 99614720 then you have the PSN version of the game.
    If the DATA.BIN file size is: 23223168 then you have the UMD version of the game.


    Manual Patch (Hexing) for Tekken 6 (USA)

    1) Decrypt the PSN version of the game eboot.bin file using 'PRX Decryptor v2.3'

    2) Open decrypted eboot.bin file in hex editor and patch these offsets.
    <PRE class=alt2 dir=ltr style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; PADDING-RIGHT: 6px; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; PADDING-LEFT: 6px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 6px; MARGIN: 0px; OVERFLOW: auto; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; WIDTH: 640px; PADDING-TOP: 6px; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; HEIGHT: 114px; TEXT-ALIGN: left">Address : Decrypted to Patched00001128: (Old: 05 05) to (New: 00 05)// Line Above Patches the version check from 5.05 to 5.00.00068580: (Old: 21 20 40 00) to (New: 46 01 64 34)002771C0: (Old: 21 20 40 00) to (New: 46 01 64 34)0029E9C4: (Old: 21 20 40 00) to (New: 46 01 64 34)</PRE>
    3) Save Patched eboot.bin

    4) Open untouched ISO with a hex editor.

    5) Go to offset 0x00110000 in the untouched ISO, the line should start with ~PSP.

    6) Inject the patched eboot.bin file into the untouched ISO using overwrite mode.

    저도 확인전이라 구동여부는 모르겠지만 중간에 5.00구동법에 보시면 자세히

    나와있습니다. 집에가서 함해봐야겠네요. 정발판에 해당되는지도 확인불가능하네요 ㅜ.ㅡ

    일단 iso파일만 건드는 것이라 벽돌될일은 없을듯하니 해보실수있는분 해보시고

    말씀좀 부탁드릴께요.

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.4 와꾸 (2009-11-28 17:24:34)
    집에와서 해보니 잘되네요. 자료실에 올려놓겠습니다.
    Lv.2 아따따루카 (2009-11-28 18:13:31)
    영어에 장벽 때문에 하나도 모르겠는데요 가르쳐 주세용
    Lv.4 와꾸 (2009-11-28 19:37:12)
    1. 롬파일을 카피(그냥 하셔도됩니다..)

    2. 파일명을 Tekken6.iso로 바꾼다.

    3. 파일속성에 읽기전용체크해제한다.

    4. patch파일을 실행 후 enter

    5. 화면에 점이 나오면서 패치완료

    6. 실행.

    간단합니다. 1005번 5.00m33-6에서 확인완료요.

    받으신파일 압축풀면 3개의 파일이 있습니다. 롬파일과 3개파일이 같은폴더에 있어야됩니다.
    Lv.2 미니야수 (2009-11-28 20:11:43)
    쫌더 상세히 부탁드려요 ㅠㅠ 훈련병이라 자료실연람도 안되요~
    Lv.2 미니야수 (2009-11-28 20:21:49)
    출처사이트는 나이땜에 회원가입도 안되네요 ㅠㅠ
    롬파일을 카피하라는게 무슨말이에요?
    파일명을 Tekken6.iso로 바꾼다.는건 파일명만 바꾸는거를 말하는거죠? patch파일은 어디서 실행하나요? 저는 2005번 5.00m33-6인데 사용가능한가요?
    Lv.4 와꾸 (2009-11-28 23:22:16)
    조금만 읽어보셔도 알만한 내용인데...
    요기가셔서 패치 받으시고, 롬파일 구하셨으면 롬파일있는
    폴더에 압축푸세요. 그리고 롬파일 파일명을 바꿔주시고
    패치 실행시키시면 끝입니다. 상세히 랄것도 없습니다.
    롬파일은 읽기전용되어있으면 체크 해제하시면 되고요.
    Lv.4 와꾸 (2009-11-28 23:23:41)
    그리고 내용에 보시면 slim도 된다고 나와잇으니 2005는 당연히

    Lv.3 우다이 (2009-11-28 23:24:03)
    2일전에 나온 자료네요. 구글링으로 노력하시면 구할수 있습니다.
    Lv.2 왕창부셔다부셔 (2009-11-29 18:45:46)
    이거는 인스톨이랑 상관이 없는건가요~?
    Lv.4 와꾸 (2009-11-29 22:11:54)
    네 인스톨은 구동후에 옵션에 가면 있습니다.
    Lv.2 사탕이뭐길래 (2009-11-30 11:45:25)
    오..좋은정보 감사드립니다. 한번 해봐야겠네요.
    Lv.4 seikin (2009-12-02 09:24:57)
    무한로딩중이었는데 시험해봐야겠네요
    Lv.4 클레이드가 (2009-12-04 21:28:35)
    패치후 중요한것
    UMD Mode: Sony NP9660 (저의 경우에는 m33 driver가 좋더군요)
    CPU Clock XMB: Default
    CPU Clock Game: Default
    로 셋팅해주셔야됩니다.ㅋ
    Lv.2 썩이얌 (2009-12-10 13:57:28)
    좋은정보 정말 감사합니다~

    도배방지 : 0

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