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  • 2.71 버전 지원 eloader 0.9.9 릴리즈
    작성자 : 여디디야 | 조회수 : 933 (2006-09-22 오후 6:09:05)
    - 첨부파일

    The major new feature is support for v2.70 and v2.71 firmwares. That's right, full support for these 2 firmwares is now added, using a new kernel-mode syscall-finding technique (which is why 2.80 support is not yet possible).

    As well as support for the v2.7 firmwares, there is also limited kernel mode support on v2.5-v2.71. This means that the .init program section (which contains functions declared with the 'constructor' attribute) will be called in kernel-mode for homebrew built with the kernel mode attribute. Note that you cannot create kernel-mode threads from the init functions in this release, due to security checks in the firmware.

    The increased kernel access has also allowed us to add a built-in exception handler to eLoader, so that crashes can be caught and debugged more easily, as well as usually preventing the need to reboot.  


    이상 원문이구요, 몇일전 나왔던 이로더 98 버전과 같이 GTA가 없어도 실행가능합니다.

    2.71 버전까지 구동이 가능하다고 합니다. 2.8버전은 아직 지원하지 않는다고 합니다.,

    이 버전은 새로나온 CPS2PSP beta2 을 사용하시면 CP2 게임이 구동가능하더군요.. (이로더 98 버전도 가능)
    던젼앤드래곤2 잘 돌아갑니다.  인스톨 버전 올립니다. ^^

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    Lv.2 수리수다 (2006-09-22 18:33:44)
    에뮬은 너무 돌리기 무서버 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    Lv.3 KiSeKi (2006-09-22 20:05:00)
    CPS2도 가능한것이였군요;;
    Lv.2 사람님 (2006-09-22 20:34:30)
    최신기판도 돼나요? 베이스 모델이라 ta-82
    Lv.2 여디디야 (2006-09-22 21:51:40)
    버전만 맞으면, 기판에 상관없이 다 됩니다.

    도배방지 : 0

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