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  • 2.71 다운그레이드 설명서
    작성자 : 공포의바다 | 조회수 : 1279 (2006-09-03 오전 6:28:24)

    Instructions for the 2.71 user

    1) Copy the files inside MS_ROOT to the root of your memory stick.

    1) 먼저 메모리스틱 루트 폴더에 모든 파일을 카피합니다.

    2) Wait someone with 1.50 to pass you a folder called DOWNDATER and copy it to the root of your memstick.

    2) 1.5 Downdater 폴더를 메모리스틱 루트에 카피해줍니다.

    3) It is recomended that you have the psp at more than 50% batteery and connected to AC

    3) 배터리 50% 가 남아있고 AC 어뎁터를 연결해서 시도하길 바랍니다.

    4) Go to the xmb photo viewer.

    4) 포토뷰어로 갑니다.

    At this point will one of the following things:

    a) You'll see a full red screen. This indicates that the downdater is doing its job.
      Wait for it to finish. When it finish it will crash on purpose. Restart your psp manually
      and you'll probably have a 1.50 if nothing went wrong.

    a) 빨간색 화면으로 가득찰겁니다. 그것은 현재 다운그레이더가 진행중이라는 이야기로 아무것도
      할필요가 없고 끝날때를 기다리십시요.
    (빨간색화면이 나온후 메모리카드 리딩이 완료될때까지 기다리십시요)

    b) You don't see the red screen. This indicates that the downdater code has not started
    to execute. (even if the memstick blinks(or no), it doesn't matter! if the screen is not red, you can safely restart
    the psp at this point).

    b) 빨간화면을 볼수 없다면 다운데이터가 시작되지 않았다는 이야기 입니다.

    This happen because of inestability in the tiff.
    Don't worry, just restart the psp and keep trying until you reach the red screen of downdate.
    The downdater code is NEVER executed partially. It's either executed totally or nothing.

    It depends of "luck" but usually the downdater will start to execute in a average of 1/10 times.
    Things that may increase the probabilities:

    - A fresh formatted memory stick.
    - A 32 MB memory stick (and fresh formatted)

    Many thanks to:

    - People that found and exploited the tif bug: Nopx86, psp250, Skylark, Joek2100, CSwindle, JimP and Fanjita

    - hitchhikr for finding the kernel exploit.

    - All people that tested code and supported us: jpeg (the first in downgrade!), whackawookie,
    nopx86, [Having], tyranog, joshrulez and probably more people that i forgot.



    - tesuhack for lying in one test making me loose time and reach incorrect conclusions


    위 링크는 2.71다운그레이드 인스톨러 파일입니다.

    이파일 하나면.. 모든게 해결됩니다.

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.3 KiSeKi (2006-09-03 09:24:22)
    확실히 나온것 같군요.
    Lv.2 내가곧법 (2006-09-03 09:51:58)
    멋지네요... ㅋㅋ좋은 자료 감사합니다
    Lv.2 탱크보이 (2006-09-03 14:10:24)
    으아앙 2.8은 언제 나오는거야~~
    미쳐미쳐 저두 에뮬돌리고 시퍼요 ㅠㅠ
    Lv.2 커즈 (2006-09-03 17:16:48)
    설명을 보면 간단하게 보이는데 실제론 어떨지...

    도배방지 : 0

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   



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