게임포털 QJ넷에서 한 회원이 올린 사진이 문제를 일으키고 있습니다.
이 사진은 현재 미국 라스베이거스에서 열리고 있는 세계 최대 가전전자쇼인 CES2007의 소니 부스에서 찍은 것입니다.
그런데 사진에 찍힌 일부 PSP에서 다크알렉스가 개발한 커스텀펌웨어(custom firmware) 3.03 OE-A 를 사용하고 있다는 의혹이 제기되었습니다.
두번째 사진을 확대해서 보면 시스템 버전에 3.03 BETA 라고 적혀 있습니다.
현재 해당 사이트에서는 코멘트를 통해 이 사진의 진위여부를 밝히고 있습니다.
추가내용 #1
현재 댓글들을 살펴보니 사진 속에 PSP가 바꿔치기 되었다, 조작된 사진이다. 다크알렉스가 소니에서 근무한다는 등 다양한 코멘트가 올라오고 있습니다.
추가내용 #2
글이 올라온지 한시간만에 사진을 제공한 사람의 사과글이 올라왔습니다.
사람들을 놀려주려고 자신이 가져간 PSP를 찍은거라고 하네요...
Hey guys, I'm sorry if I wasn't clear about those shots, but the ones WITH 3.03 OE-A or B were ours being held up against the ones that were on the show floor. They (Sony) had theirs loaded up with the official 3.02 firmware though. The joke was in the first picture as some have realized. The one with all 3 is just a side by side of the custom FW's with the official ones right next to it.
So no, Sony was NOT using custom firmware on their models at CES. They WERE, however, showing the fan made advertisement that was seen here recently on that screen you will see in the first shot. I wasn't aware that Sony had struck up a deal with the creator of it to be shown pubicly as their own advertisement.
This is embarrassing to explain and hopefully gets changed as I don't want you guys catching any heat for spreading false information.
We would now like to take to take this opportunity to ask all of you to please check out the two images below. In fact, we encourage you to view the pictures in their original 1280x960 resolution, just so you can see what we're talking about.
Do you see it?
Anyway, these photos were sent to us by one of our readers, Geno, and he notes that these were taken at this year's CES. They were at Sony's PSP booth when they noticed something about the handhelds on display. Lo and behold, it turns out that some of the PSP units were *GASP!* using Dark_AleX's 3.03 OE-A custom firmware. Go figure.
On a lighter note though, Geno says that these pics are "Just a little 'thank you' from us to Dark_aleX and pspupdates for bringing so much information to the masses."