저번에 소개시켜드린 커펌3.03 전용 컨버터 IceTea 가
1.3으로 버젼업
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IceTea 1.3
February 5th, 2007, 10:26 Posted By: tommydanger
IceTea 1.3 is now up for grabs
-I hopefully fixed the auto id bug once for all (had only problems with .bin files)
-You can also now change the manual game id without recompiling the whole manual
go to manual->patch game id
-and I implemented proper toc handling.
In previous versions it would only implement the toc informations from a ccd file, now it also looks for a .toc file in the same directory as the iso (make sure it has the same suffix as the iso)
-reorganized menu bar