There's no way to be eloquent about this, so we'll just say it. There's a video on YouTube showing some people wrecking a PSP with a sword. We'd like to say he sliced and diced his way through the handheld, but he's not really the best sword-wielding kid we've seen on the internet.
There are a couple of things that went through our heads while we're watching this. Why does he have a sharp implement of destruction with him? What drove him to wreck his PSP with kicks, chops, and stabs? Isn't he worried about the carpet he might be cutting through with that sword of his? Is this some sort of attempt to grab 15 minutes of infamy as the "Sony Samurai" or something... because we just talked about PSP samurais yesterday.
More importantly, we really want to know one thing: Why couldn't he just trade it in for something else or sell it as a used handheld? The wasted money behind that PSP is such a shame. If any of you are sick of your handhelds, or even your consoles, you could send them to us instead, you know! Sigh...
사무라이 양성소도 아니고 -_- 저 비싼 PSP를 검으로... 것도 어린아이가;;;
돈이 조낸 많은것인가.. 보고 전 욕부터 나왔다는.. 저런 신발것!!
집이 한번 쫄딱 망해봐야 돈 한푼이 소중한줄 알지.
멋진거누 : 꼬마야~ 왜 부신거니?
꼬마 : 아~~~~~~~~무 이유없어~!
멋진거누 : 꼬마가 쓰레귀~!!
source by qj
안타깝게도 처음에 올린 동영상은 링크를 올린이가 지웠는지..맥콘에도 재생안되서;; 비슷하게 가지고 노는 사람들 -_-? 로 대신합니다. 이분들은 더하네요 -_-;;;;;;;;