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  • DEVHOOK 데브훅 0.51 릴리즈 (펌3.01 부팅)
    작성자 : 뿌러버 | 조회수 : 6169 (2006-12-05 오전 8:19:07)
    - 첨부파일

    데브훅 0.51 버전이 릴리즈되었습니다.

    DEVHOOK 0.5버전에서 보여주었던 버그들을 수정하였고, 펌웨어 3.01 소프트웨어를 지원합니다.

    아직은 테스트 단계에 있으며 안정성은 검증되지 않았습니다.

    A few known bugs from 0.50 have been fixed, but debugging is still not complete, and thus the software continues to be in a testing phase.

    The degree of stability is still unknown. Please test it on your own and refer to different people's test reports.


    Known Issues

    With the change to the API, previous version's launchers, vshex, etc. do not work.

    vshex (the settings display on top of the XMB) occasionally has issues.

    When a UMD game is launched from the XMD, the startup screen can sometimes hang.

    There are times when you cannot return from a game to the XMB.

    V0.50.0000 -> V0.51.0000 Changelog

    Loading bugs from the memory stick have been fixed > The web browser and the rest of the XMB

    Compatible with FW 3.01

    The clock setting bug in FW >=2.80 has been fixed.

    There's no need to replace audio.prx in FW >=2.80

    It can coexist with DH 0.46

    The launcher has been changed, scripting has been improved and it is compatible with mok's fbmprint system and multi language support.

    Leaving DEVHOOK from the XMB has been reimplemented (still being worked on)

    Regarding the execution of FW 2.82 (3.01,2.80,2.71)

    As of ver.0.50.0000, the supported firmware's are only 2.71, 2.82, and 3.00.

    1.50's No UMD mode has been removed, however other bits of code haven't yet been confirmed and still remain.

    If you have a need for 1.50-2.60, I request that you try them individually and decide on whether and how they run. (translator's note: I could use some help on this sentence, it seems kind of weird...I guess the implication is that old firmware's may still be able to run, but are hit or miss because they aren't actively supported)

    There is a slight risk associated with installing files to flash1, but this is highly recommended.
    If files are not installed to flash1 on > FW 2.71, there's a risk that random files will be destroyed when certain actions are taken on the XMB. Depending on the crosslinking, unrelated files may be destroyed, so please be prepared for any file to be lost when using it.

    You will know if files have been destroyed if you connect to a PC via USB and run checkdisk.


    Launcher menu scripting language
    The scripting language is currently a fairly half-baked, simple language; I'd like to make it C-like.

    Sorry for the slow and piecemeal translation. The todo list is the same as the last release, except that 3.01 is now supported.

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.6 oni-M (2006-12-05 10:05:31)
    3.01소프트를 지원하면.. 3.01펌웨어는 필요한게 아닌가요?
    Lv.6 oni-M (2006-12-05 10:06:14)
    3.01펌웨어도 실행할 수 있는건가요?
    Lv.6 Fate.De_Moon (2006-12-05 12:48:49)
    음.. 풀버전이 아닌거같군요..
    Lv.3 LUVTOME (2006-12-05 14:09:43)
    이건좀 실행하기 겁나네요. 기다려야지;
    Lv.2 2닷6 (2006-12-06 00:13:06)
    안정겅이 아직이라면,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    Lv.8 악당로크 (2006-12-06 08:02:41)
    흠...벌써 3.01까지..ㅎㅎㅎ

    좋구나 계속발전해랏!
    Lv.2 neosrw (2006-12-06 10:29:46)
    빠르군요;;;;;; 점점 발전되가는가..
    Lv.2 솔바람 (2006-12-06 16:50:39)
    잘 돼나요? 잘 됐읍면 좋을 탠돼? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    Lv.6 순★수의시대 (2006-12-06 21:40:14)
    오,,이젠 3.01펌으로 부팅이 가능하군요,,,아직 안정성이 검토

    되지 않았다고 하니,,전 아직 뎁훅0.50 쓰구 있어야겟네요,,

    아직 펌 높은 겜 하지 않고 있으니,ㅋㅋ
    Lv.2 sadame99 (2006-12-06 21:43:21)
    정말 빠르군요..창과 방패의 대결이라...
    Lv.2 파이널게임 (2006-12-06 22:43:19)
    3.02도 부팅이 가능해 졌군요...
    Lv.2 테러다비러머글 (2006-12-07 00:13:57)
    잔다르크도 더 안정적으로 돌아갈수 있겠군요 기대기대..
    Lv.2 박군아 (2006-12-07 12:41:34)
    대단하군요! psp팔아버린지2주됬는데....
    요즘에뮬 나온것보니 다시 갖고싶다는 생각에 ....
    Lv.2 KKeJJaNG (2006-12-07 15:10:04)
    미티미티~ 나도 1.5로.. ㅜㅜ
    Lv.2 럭셔리한영 (2006-12-07 23:00:55)
    저기 이거랑 위에 3.02로 부팅 가능하게 하는거랑
    해서 부팅 하는거 했는데요?? 게임에서 나갈때 다운되고
    슬립모드 들어가서 나올때 다운되고
    혹시 괜찮으신분 있으신가요???
    Lv.2 er4545 (2006-12-12 22:28:22)
    벌써 나오다니 빠르네요~~
    Lv.2 카루나스 (2006-12-14 16:25:46)
    빨리 안정성이 검증 되었으면 좋겠네요.
    Lv.2 다연군 (2006-12-21 08:18:20)
    기술에 발전은 정말인지........대단하면서도 무섭네요
    Lv.2 제노기어스 (2006-12-22 01:14:47)
    ㅋㅋ완전 정말 대단하네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    Lv.12 HiNaTa (2007-04-01 22:11:18)
    좋은 정보 감사합니다~~

    도배방지 : 0

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