부스터가 개발한 데브훅이 DevHook v0.51.0100버전으로 업데이트되었습니다.
'Non-Flash Version'으로 펌웨어 v3.02는 직접 넣어야 합니다.
업데이트 내용:
- flash1 bug fix (no more flash1 setting destroyed)
- correcting the trouble of registry initialization repetition
- f0/kd/lflash_fatfmt.prx should be deleted or renamed to avoid the trouble of registry initialization repetition (IMPORTANT to note guys!!)
- vshem: a bug where MENU ON BOOT does not become OFF
- added 3.02 but BOOSTER isn't sure if DH is capable of supporting it.
-some minor fix on japanese installation menu which does not function
-minor changes in umdciso where it spits LOG of ISO access. (i think this is to avoid black screen when booting up DH when a CSO is removed from ms but its still selected)