File Description
Chubigans has posted on his blog about his latest release for the PSPs firmware 2.7+ flash browser. PSP Complete Arcade Pack contains 12 Flash games for your PSP, and stops the 'clog' of bookmarked flash games PSP owners with firmware version 2.7+, or just those using the latest version of DevHook can experience. The Comple Arcade Pack's menu features a small screenshot or image from each game which hyperlinks to the game in question, loading it in the PSP's browser.
The pack features 12 games that range from hangman to solitare to tetris, and is bound to keep you occupied during the summer months. The great thing about this is that with DevHook v0.44, even firmware 1.5 users can experience the great PSP Flash browser and games. All you have to do is place the folders in the root of the memory stick, then type file:/yourfolder/psparcade.htm into your browser and game away!
2.7이상에서 사용가능한..플레시게임들... 패키지입니다..플레시 업그래이드 하신분 한번해보세요..^^;;
사용방법은... 압축을 임의의 폴더(영어나숫자로된이름)에 풀고..
file:/압축을 푼임의의 폴더이름 영어나 숫자로된것/psparcade.htm 입력해주시면 됩니다.. ^^
대략 게임8개정도 있네요..
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