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  • NesterJ for PSP v1.20beta2 - WiFi Network Play!
    작성자 : 코록 | 조회수 : 5394 (2006-07-10 오전 12:34:54)
    - 첨부파일

    NesterJ for PSP v1.20beta2 - WiFi Network Play!
    Posted Jul 02, 2006 at 08:59PM by Jake D.

    Listed in: Homebrew Emulators, News, Nintendo NES
    Tags: downgrader, NES, ROM, NesterJ, Ruka NesterJ, the nearly perfect NES emulator, has been making nostalgic PSP owners happy for over a year now and is a staple of PSP homebrew. Today, it has taken a couple more steps towards being the ideal emulator on the PSP.  3 months ago, Ruka had mentioned that he was working on NesterJ v1.20 and intended it to have Ad-Hoc WiFi support for 1.0/1.50 PSP's (kernel access). Thanks to the recent downgrader, this is a great way to experience the joys of homebrew gaming for the PSP!

    As if that wasn't enough, Ruka also says that thanks to improvements in GPU processing, there's about a 20% increase in speed - which is saying something since NesterJ already ran a fair share of NES games at full speed with frameskip disabled. Previous problems with sound timing were also fixed, but is still a problem with Network Play.

    Courtesy of our own Jeff C., here are the translated details from the changelog:

    Drawing speed up by 20% when using GPU
    Sound processing in single play mode has been modified
    Network communication is still in-development and needs adjustment
    If you don't want to use frameskip during Network Play, set CPU to 333mhz

    How to start WiFi Network Play:

    Turn on your WiFi switch and set your PSP to AdHoc Mode (choose the same channel as your co-player)
    Start NesterJ and choose your ROM
    Select "Wifi Network Play(Adhoc)"
    Wait until you get the message "sceNetInit() done" - this means the PSP is in Network Standby
    Repeat steps 1 - 4 for the second player

    Player 2: Press Circle to send a connection request
    Player 1: After getting the request from Player 2, press the Circle button

    Obviously, identical ROMs are needed and if the emulator settings on all the PSP's are not the same, the synchronization might fail.

    This is still a beta so it is a bit unstable, but it should give you and a friend a retro-tastic good time, as well be a great way for all the new downgradee's to experience a piece of PSP homebrew history - past, present and future. (Thanks for the heads up, Byte!)

    Since this is still a beta, Ruka asks that it not be hosted outside of his site - you can download it from Ruka's homepage below:

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    Lv.2 완전소장 (2006-07-10 00:39:50)
    울렁증이;;; 해석해주3
    Lv.3 ヴァルシオ-ネ (2006-07-10 01:08:57)
    에...그러니까. "우린 거의 완벽한 nes 에뮬레이터를 완성했어요" "이제 WiFi도 지원하니까요~ 방법도 밑에 적어둘께요" 요런 어감??
    Lv.2 연탄집게 (2006-07-10 03:14:31)
    이게 무엇일까요?? nes가 무엇인가요?? ㅎㅎ
    Lv.2 까마귀a (2006-07-10 04:25:41)
    패미콤 미국버전이 nes입니다.ㅎㅎ
    우리나라 버전으론 패밀리였던가요?ㅎㅎ
    Lv.2 3wave (2006-07-10 09:30:50)
    할건 너무 많은데... 시간이 없어요...^^; 어떤거 부터 해야 할지 모르겠네요.. nes도 할게 많던데..
    Lv.3 NiceCrew (2006-07-10 09:41:49)
    열혈시리즈 wifi하면 딱이네요
    어렸을때 열혈시리즈 하다가 학원빼먹고 걸려서 뒤지게맞고.. 또안가고..
    Lv.3 xanai8181 (2006-07-10 10:23:26)
    네오지오나 다른거 wifi됐으면 좋겠는데 ㅠ.ㅠ 패미콤시리즈는 그때당시 재미있게 했는데 막상 다시 하니까 그때의 감흥이 안나네요
    Lv.2 네코 (2006-07-10 10:50:27)
    전 아직도 패미콤만큼 재밌는게 없던데^^; 일단 완벽하긴 한가 보네요? 저번 버전만해도 프레임저하도 있었는데 패미콤한계성능때문만이 아니라
    Lv.4 나라지킴이 (2006-07-10 10:54:51)
    저것은 예전에 집에 있던 게임기...
    팩이 잘 안꼽혀서 얼마나 짜증이...
    Lv.4 리군만세 (2006-07-10 11:00:05)
    패밀리... - - 배트맨2 기억이...아시는분 잇으시나..ㅋㅋ
    Lv.5 광겐 (2006-07-10 11:00:29)
    팩이 잘 안 꼽히면 겜이 잘 안 되기도 하였죠 ㅎ;화면이 이상하게 나왔다는...
    Lv.5 Fate.De_Moon (2006-07-10 13:21:16)
    나이스!! wifi 아싸~!! ㅋㅋ;; 해보는거야!!
    Lv.2 술고파 (2006-07-10 13:38:06)
    또나왔넹.... 겜이 안되면 한번 훅~~ 불어주는 센스~~!!
    Lv.2 좋아!가는거야~ (2006-07-10 14:53:35)
    한숨 자고 일어나니 새로운 정보가... 역시 빨라요
    Lv.2 KiSeKi (2006-07-10 15:56:49)
    짝퉁 패미컴을 사용 해서 그런지 전 A/V케이블을 건드리면

    화면이 이상해진 기억이 있군요;;
    Lv.2 은빛날개 (2006-07-10 18:59:17)
    드뎌 와이파이 지원하는군요 ㅋ 해봐야겠네요 ㅋ
    Lv.5 순★수의시대 (2006-07-10 19:00:21)
    이게 열혈시리즈 구동시키능 프로그램인가요,,??

    해볼까나,,?? 어케 까능지-_-;; 모르능데,,

    갓 1.5유저라서,,,,,,
    Lv.3 만빵 (2006-07-10 23:04:20)
    앗 이거 전설의 게임기 WIFI 지원 되면 이거 물건 되는구나!!!
    Lv.2 하나사랑^^ (2006-07-10 23:27:49)
    와이파이 지원이라~ 대단하군..정말~ 빨리 나와라~
    Lv.2 낙화 (2006-07-13 07:33:32)
    ㅎㅎ 친구가 하던대 다운받아서 해봐야지
    Lv.3 레드아이 (2006-07-15 15:21:42)
    진짜 오랜만에 업뎃이 된듯....데브훅이 넘 업뎃이 빠른가???

    도배방지 : 0

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