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Here's something for all you veteran Spectrum fans: Hexdump has released version 0.2 of his Spectrum Z80 emuator for the PSP, called PSPectrum. PSPectrum allows you to play all your favourite Spectrum games on your PSP. Here's what Hexdump said:
"PsPectrum is a Spectrum emulator for the PSP. It is far from perfect but it runs almost 90% of 48k/128k games and also has sound (only 48k by now). About 4 months of developing has been needed to bring this emulator to the PSP. I could have chosen to port one of the well known Speccy/Z80 emulators for PC, but I prefered to start it from scratch because is something I always wanted to do."
This version has many features, including:
* 3 Different screen sizes with filter, everything working in hardware mode.
* Fully remapable PSP buttons
* Screenshot support (1 per game).
* ZIP support.
* Almost perfect 48k Sound
* New fast Blend rendering for keyboards, which doesn´t affect framerate
* GUI code rewritten to allow pressable options. Now pages are scrollable, and has been added a new look and feel.
* Posibility to save different configurations for everygame.
The emulator currently supports the .Z80 and .SNA formats.PSPectrum comes formatted for 1.5, and has not been tested on 2.0-2.6 using the eLoader.