Age of Empires PSP로 홈브류 방식입니다.
하지만 스타크래프트처럼 아직 할수있는것은 제한적입니다.
아직개발중이기때문에 다음버전은 기대해볼만도 합니다. 1.5용입니다.
I've always loved strategy games. And Age of Empires would feature pretty high on my-favorites list. But I never expected anything like it to show up on the PSP. Well, how wrong I was!
CoderX has just made a clone of AoE for the PSP. Although it's more of a proof-of-concept, I can't wait till it reaches playable form.
Here's an excerpt from the Readme :
Currently working (0.1) Alpha-1
* TC Scrools
* Music Loads
* All graphics work.
* Background Scrolls
A whole lot of stuff is planned for the future releases. This is one game you should look forward to! Thanks for the tip CoderX!
Although this is a Lua game, Lua Player has been bundled along. So no need to download it seperately.