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  • UMD Net Ripper v0.1 For PSP
    작성자 : 이쁜이 | 조회수 : 5111 (2006-04-20 오후 2:16:08)
    - 첨부파일

    UMD Net Ripper v0.1 For PSP

    By apv, UMD Net Ripper copies recursively the whole UMD onto the network
    using a very naive protocol (just printing "DIRECTORY: <dirname>" 
    whenever it enters a new directory and "FILE: <filename>" when
    starting with a new filedump. A simple listener program like
    netcat can be used to capture the ripped data into a file. Then,
    an unfold program can create the original file/directory structure.

    Ripping a UMD over the wireless network is really fast compared
    to copying it to the memory stick. Depending on the size of the
    UMD and the speed of your network, it may take less than ten
    minutes for a ~1GB dump. Barely enough time to pour a new cup
    of coffee, right?

    I have only tested it on a 1.50 machine, don't have the slightest
    idea if it will work on a 1.00.

    How to install/use (1.50):

      - on your PSP, create a connection with a *static* IP address
        (UmdNetRipper uses the first such connection it finds).

      - edit config.txt to reflect the IP address of your server
        (your PC for instance); you may also change the port from
        the default value 20000 into any other value you like.

      - copy the two sub folders UmdNetRip and UmdNetRip% under
        Drive:\PSP\GAME\ .

      - copy config.txt to Drive:\PSP\GAME\UmdNetRipper
      - on your PC, use any network listener that will dump a TCP
        stream into a file. I used netcat (nc), which I have
        included in the distribution (GNU License, I hope it was
        OK to do that, wasn't it?):

           nc.exe -l -p 20000 > file.rip
        (on Windows, you may see a message from your firewall, asking
        you whether to allow nc to listen to the network, it is safe
        to say yes here).

      - now go to your PSP, insert your favorite UMD, and activate
        the ripper.

      - the ripper will use the static connection, then it will try
        to connect to your PC at the address you specified in config.txt.
        If you are lucky, the ripper will recurse through the whole
        of the UMD, transferring each and every file to your PC (if
        you are not lucky, the rip will get "stuck" somewhere in the
        middle; dont give up; read on).

      - you will know if the rip ended successfully if you see a message
        on your PSP screen saying "Rip terminated successfully". Do not
        assume that it was successful if you do not see this.

      - terminate netct, pressing ^C, then create a subfolder on your
        PC, like "My Favorite Game", cd to it and issue
           ..\unfold ..\file.rip
        , where file.rip is the file you saved. Unfold will create the
        whole directory structure on your PC. From then on, you may
        use UMDGen or some other similar program to create an ISO file.
        Please avoid piracy!

      - if it got stuck, don't give up; you may retry. Most of the times,
        it will work over a couple of tries. If it insists on getting
        stuck, you may try resuming from the stuck point, by saving the
        nc output to a different file the second time and using the
        "skipupto" config directive to skip all the files that were
        correctly transferred the first time. You will then need to
        run 'unfold' twice, once for each rip file.

      - at any time, you may press HOME to exit. Occasionally, and for
        reasons I do not know, it will stick when trying to exit, so
        you may need to pop out the battery. Most of the times it exits
        OK, though.

    How to compile:

      - it should compile OK under PSP SDK. Nothing fancy is needed.

      - if you have cygwin (or Linux) plus PSP SDK, you may try a simple
        "make install". It will even copy the files to the PSP for you.

    Free code:

      - you may do whatever you like with the code, like re-distributing
        it, hosting it, changing it or whatever. Please do mention the
        original in any case. Please try to share good add-ons, fixes,
        etc. with the rest of the community.

    Fair use:

      - please do not use to pass pirated UMD copies to others.

      - enjoy!

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.3 pwy7165 (2006-04-20 14:47:18)
    영어 압박....ㅠㅠ 누가 해석좀 해주셔요
    Lv.2 어린군주 (2006-04-20 15:08:37)
    1기가 미만 메모리 카드 사용자를 위한 립핑 유틸입니다.
    (pc로 덤프된 이미지가 가는듯한데요 ^^)
    Lv.4 순★수의시대 (2006-04-20 15:37:00)
    영어의 압박...과연 다 쭈욱 해석이 될까요??

    전 2GB의 2.5라 패쓰~
    Lv.3 pen2k (2006-04-20 16:57:59)
    2.6이라서 정말 우울해요.... 제꺼 2.6이랑 바꾸실분?(살려주세요...)
    Lv.13 ps&psp (2006-04-20 20:53:12)
    음 2기가에다 2.6이라 패스 ㅡㅡ;; 제가 올리려던건데 ^^
    Lv.13 ps&psp (2006-04-20 21:49:38)
    참고로 이런건 에뮬뉴스와 상관없는듯 한데 자료실에 옮기심이 맞을듯 하네요
    Lv.4 광겐 (2006-04-20 23:17:47)
    512이긴 하지만 쓰기 귀찮네요..;어서 2기가를 사야하는데;
    Lv.4 Fate.De_Moon (2006-04-21 01:32:34)
    1기가 미만에다가... 더군다나 실행환경은 1.5 -_- 패스패스패스!
    Lv.2 네버스탑 (2006-04-21 07:18:37)
    언어의 압박이..ㅠㅠㅠ
    Lv.6 덴짱 (2006-04-21 08:57:51)
    잃어보기가 귀찮다.... 해석해서 보기가 OTL
    Lv.2 소니PSP (2006-04-21 12:10:54)
    립하시는분들에게만 유용한 툴인거 같습니다...
    Lv.2 도스 (2006-04-21 12:28:36)
    립용툴인가보네요.오호라.UMD수명이 늘어나겠넹.
    Lv.2 seop (2006-04-21 13:01:07)
    아...게일 전에 영어 공부부터 해야할 듯
    Lv.4 순★수의시대 (2006-04-21 20:46:49)
    How to install / use (1.5) 에서 바로 좌절...
    2.5능 언제 뚤릴것인가... 아 OTL
    Lv.3 행복미소 (2006-04-21 21:17:37)
    영어니깐 일단패스.......
    Lv.3 쩌리 (2006-04-22 11:24:10)
    어자피 2.6 구동은 없으니~ 전부다 ~ 패스
    Lv.5 곰탱이 (2006-04-22 21:59:37)
    영어도 압박이긴 하지만.. 버전에 압박이 더심하군요 ㅎㅎ... 난감
    Lv.2 부평3동 (2006-04-23 15:33:45)
    울렁증이 올라오내요-0-ㅋ 해석좀 달아주333
    Lv.2 토르 (2006-04-24 00:56:27)
    2기가도 곧 싸질텐데..2기가.1기가쓰고있지만..부족하다는 ㅋㅋ
    Lv.5 月明りの靑い花火 (2006-04-29 20:44:49)
    이거 무슨 자료인지 모르겠네요...
    Lv.2 아이제 (2006-05-06 08:02:12)
    아무래도 모두가 쓰기에는 가격이 너무 비싼게 흠이다
    Lv.2 mph안되 (2006-05-07 17:17:16)

    도배방지 : 0

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   



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