2일 전에 릴리즈된 Eboot Loader 0.95 BA의 패치버전이 나왔습니다.
지난 버전에서 몇가지 버그들을 수정하여 좀 더 안정적으로 동작합니다.
릴리즈 노트
-로더 설치 시 'corrupted data' icons 나오지 않음.
- 콘피그 파일 수정
- TIFF 로더 안정화 (펌웨어 2.0 전용)
- 리셋 버튼 안정화 (L+R+START )
- 아이콘 교체
- 파일 경로 개선
Fanjita and Ditlew have just released a new patched version of eLoader 0.95 Brown Ale. There were a few bugs in the last release that were simple to fix, so they quickly got on it and made a new version. They have recommended that anyone who has the old version of eLoader 0.95 Brown Ale, redownload the new patched version now. Great job guys!
Changes include:
- No more 'corrupted data' icons in the save games folder - the backup savegame information is now saved in /psp/eloader.
- Corrected config file path
- Various TIFF loader stability fixes
- Removed most crashes with L+R+START
- Replaced the beta icons
- Improved editability of file paths.