Fanjita씨는 방금 전에 그의 홈페이지에서 새로운 파트너인 Ditlew씨와 펌웨어 2.01/2.5용 EBOOT 로더를 개발하였다고 언급하였습니다.
(펌웨어 2.6에서는 안된다고 밝혀져서 내용을 정정합니다.)
현재 성공적으로 로더 개발을 완료하였고, "PSP Rick Dangerous" 라는 Homebrew 게임을 실행시켜보았다고 합니다.
Eboot 로더는 디버깅 및 베타 테스트를 거쳐서 정식 버전을 공개한다고 합니다.
당연한 얘기지만, 이 로더는 GTA: LCS가 있어야 작동이 됩니다.
아래는 Fanjita씨가 홈페이지에 띄운 공지 내용입니다.
"Ditlew and I made some breakthroughs today with the EBOOT loader for GTA, and I'm so excited I thought I'd share the news, since we've been hammering away at this problem for weeks now, and it feels like we're starting to get somewhere.
Last night we finally managed to remove what is believed to be the last traces of GTA from the PSP's memory, and we appear to have full user-mode control over all the available memory and resources (with the exception, of course, of flash memory).
So far this hasn't translated into everything magically-working, including the loader menu, but we have run the first homebrew game using the EBOOT loader - "PSP Rick Dangerous".
So, there's still a lot of work to do, but it's coming along nicely.
This also seems like an opportune moment to properly introduce Ditlew, although we've been working together since the start of the EBOOT Loader for GTA project. He's a 30-year-old Dane working as a lead programmer, with a past in the gaming scene and a strong passion for AI - not to mention a sharp mind and a lot of determination."