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  • 모든 펌웨어를 지원하는 PSP 유료 와레즈 등장!
    작성자 : 게임월드 | 조회수 : 7071 (2006-01-08 오후 1:46:24)
    - 첨부파일

    미국의 한 온라인 업체에서 40달러(약 4만원)만 내면 PSP로 나온 모든 게임과 영화를 다운로드 받을 수 있게 해주는 서비스가 등장하였습니다.

    그리고, 이 사이트에서는 펌웨어 버전 2.01/2.5/2.6에서도 다운받은 게임을 실행할 수 있도록 해준다면서 회원들을 모집하고 있습니다.

    저작권 문제를 어떻게 해결할 지 모르지만, 실제로 돈을 주고 가입한 사람들은 적당한 가격에 만족한다고 합니다.

    (P2P+웹디스크 방식을 이용하여 법적인 문제를 피했다고 하는데, 마치 한국의 웹폴더를 보는 것 같습니다.)

    실제로 한 회원은 이 사이트를 통해서 자신이 가지고 있는 PSP 2.01에서도 ISO게임이 실행되었다고 합니다.
    (현재 이 부분에서는 많은 논란이 있습니다. 다운그레이드 기술을 유료화 했다던지, 해당 사이트의 조작이라는 등등)

    사이트에 소개된 FAQ 입니다.
    핵심적인 부분만 번역을 해보았습니다.

    What is inside the member’s area?
    You will find all of the latest tools for accessing the largest file networks on the planet. Members have access to the necessary tools to search and download all kinds of files for your PSP. Basically, you will be able to find whatever you need for your PSP. This includes games, movies, software, wallpapers, and much more.

    귀사의 서비스는 모든 PSP에 적용되나요?
    네... 모든 게임과 영화들은 펌웨어 버전에 상관없이 사용할 수 있습니다.

    게임들은 전부 풀버전입니까?
    네...데모버전도 있지만, 대부분 실행가능한 풀버전 게임입니다.

    How much does it take to download a game? Is it a complicated process?
    Searching and downloading a game is not at all a complicated process, and our services guarantee fast downloads even if you use a regular 56K internetd connection. Obviously, using a broadband connection will give you a much faster download experience.

    영화도 다운로드 받을 수 있나요?
    네.. 저희 서비스는 PSP용 게임 뿐만 아니라 영화, 이미지, 스크린샷 등 모든 자료들을 다운로드 받을 수 있습니다. 영화는 9.95$ 의 추가비용만 내면 됩니다.

    How can I transfer the movies to my PSP?
    With our services, you will be able to download all your favorite movies to your PC.
    We remind you that downloading PSP movies is not included in a regular membership.

    Let's say I download a movie. Will I be able to watch it on my computer or record it?
    Certainly: With your bonus membership, you will be able to search and download for your favorite movies. They will download to your PC and you will be able to watch them there using a regular media player, or you will be able to record them using the necessary CD / DVD burning software. We do not include that software. What we do include with any membership is the movie to PSP transfer software. This software will transfer any movie from your computer to your PSP device through a regular USB cable, reformatting the movie simmultaneously, so you can enjoy it on your PSP.

    Can I use your services using a 56K modem?
    Obviously, the download rate is much lower than the rate of a broadband connection, but you will experience faster speeds than you expect.

    What kind of support can I expect?
    We have 3 teams of people offering support around the clock and 7 days a week. Inside our member’s area, you can contact us anytime and can submit your questions. You get clear concise answers back in record time.

    Is my registration secure and confidential?
    Absolutely! Your personal information and email are never shared with any other organization whatsoever – we take confidentiality very seriously. Our registration process and payment pages are 100% secure and managed by clickbank (Internet’s largest informational products retalier).

    How do I figure out which product to download?
    When you are searching for one item, you may receive hundreds of results that you can choose from. We will show you exactly how to recon the fastest downloads. 

    Does it matter that I connect to the internet through a proxy?
    In most cases, no. However, we advise you to contact your network administrator to do the needful, if any change is the network settings is required.

    What about firewalls?
    We always suggest that you unload your firewall, especially when you do your first search. After that, our software will be recognised by the firewall and either will grant access automatically, or you will need to do it manually.

    Do I need any extra software?
    Not at all. You will receive everything that you need in your member's area.

    How about your refund policy?
    A very important matter: We offer a 60-day full refund guarantee. Your satisfaction is a priority and that's what refunds are for. Whithin the next 45 days after you join us, you can simply contact us and ask for your refund if not satisfied, always including your receipt number so we can locate your payment.

    How much time does it take to receive a refund?
    We only take two days maximum to process a refund. However, since the charges are always made via credit card, you will probably need to wait until your bank clears the payment back to you. That part is beyond our control.

    Will I be billed again? Is this a subscription?
    Not at all. This is not a subscription. Memberships are one time fees. Our members are never billed again by us or by any other company, nor are confronted with surprise charges. Our members do not pay per download. 

    Great! So how do I join?
    Joining is very easy: You can use the menu above or become a member here. You can use all major credit cards, checks or your paypal account to pay the one-time fee. We process manually all memberships, and will send your login details to the email address you use when joining.

    추가내용 (법적인 문제)

    공유 정책

    Share Responsibly:
    Today, there are 240 million users trading on legal file-sharing networks. Sharing is not illegal as long as you obey all relevant copyright laws. using P2P programs to download and distribute copy righted music, movies and games without permission is illegal. Purchasing a membership in unlimitedpspgames.com does not give you license to download and distribute copyrighted material.

    Unlimitedpspgames.com does not condone piracy or breaking copyright laws. The sharing tools available on through our members area are powerful search tools & we recommend that you use your discretion when downloading files.

    Original works of authorship, including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain intellectual compositions are protected by copyright law. If a person publicly performs, reproduces, distributes copies, or displays works without consent of the copyright owner could be in violation of the law. Go to http://www.loc.gov/copyright/ and learn more about U.S. copyright law. Purchasing a membership in Unlimitedpspgames.com does not give you license to download or upload copyright material. Unlimitedpspgames.com implores you to respect copyright laws and share responsibly.

    Click here for important information from the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about the risk and use of P2P software.

    연방 법을 피하는 방법

    Stay legal and avoid breaking the law. Quick steps to stay legal:

    1. Make sure there are no potentially infringing files in your shared folders - meaning only files that are in the public domain, for which you have permission to share or are available under pro-sharing licenses.
    2. Disable the "sharing" or "uploading" features on your search program to prevent other users on the network from getting copies of files on your computer. Companies are focused on finding people who share thousands of files on their computers with the rest of the community. If you don't share - you reduce the risk.

    글쓰기 | 수정 | 삭제 | 목록   

    Lv.3 사랑two (2006-01-08 13:52:30)
    Lv.2 슬픈비 (2006-01-08 13:53:47)
    해커들이 만든 싸이트인가;;
    대단하네 정말
    Lv.4 hahay2k (2006-01-08 14:06:17)
    ;;;-_- 게임이 ..플레시 게임같은거면 낭패~ 어느게임들이있을가요;;
    Lv.2 역기도?끼™ (2006-01-08 14:25:14)
    가치가 있을런지요..
    음 ..
    Lv.5 허성무 (2006-01-08 14:39:26)
    Lv.2 방랑자2 (2006-01-08 15:01:20)
    음...왠지 의심스러운데요.
    Lv.2 전차파워 (2006-01-08 15:28:52)
    이것이 진짜면 소니는 psp 장사 말아먹었네여... 더이상 UMD 를 만들 이유가 없어지는 것이 되니... 아무래도 가짜 일듯.
    Lv.2 ㅗㅗㅗ (2006-01-08 17:22:13)
    사기인거같은데요?..;;; 설마..진짜일까?..
    Lv.2 카루소 (2006-01-08 17:36:05)
    이것이 사실인지는 뭐 곧 발표 되겠죠 뭐
    Lv.9 ㅇㅅㅇ...대박 (2006-01-08 19:27:26)
    정말인가 --__-
    Lv.21 게임월드 (2006-01-08 21:54:42)
    확인 결과 일종의 웹폴더로 국내에서 공유하는 방식과 비슷하다고 합니다. ISO파일을 검색해서 게임을 다운로드받는 방식인데 가격이 정액제란 점이 한국과 틀립니다. 다운그레이더라는 메뉴에는 실제로 펌웨어 다운그레이드 자료들이 있습니다. 이게 작동 되는지는 확인을 해봐야 알 것 같습니다.
    Lv.2 우짜짜 (2006-01-08 22:28:08)
    Lv.2 맹꽁맹꽁 (2006-01-08 22:47:48)
    이게 사실이라면..psp 북미판은 앞으로..발매 안하겠군요 -_-
    Lv.2 이쁜이 (2006-01-09 01:07:23)
    그럼 ISO실행 에뮬레이터가 따로 있는게 아닌가요? 어떤 방식으로 움직이는지 상당히 궁금한데...
    Lv.9 ㅇㅅㅇ...대박 (2006-01-09 02:54:51)
    으아아 드디어 소원성취 하는날이 오는건가!!!
    Lv.2 S2유아독존S2 (2006-01-10 00:23:37)
    게임을 손봐서 할수있게 하는건지?! 로더 개발이나 하지!! 부탁드립니다~~
    Lv.2 우뢍탕맨 (2006-01-10 14:18:24)
    슬슬 PSP를 팔고싶어지는 느낌이 드는걸보니 신로더 나올때도 됐다는..
    Lv.2 단델리온 (2006-01-10 20:20:09)
    유료라.. 이것도 이젠 돈이 된다는 건가 ㅡㅡ..
    Lv.2 zhee (2006-01-12 20:52:17)
    우리나라에는 이미 짱공유가 있음 -_-;
    Lv.2 WhiteShadow (2006-01-15 11:47:34)
    모든 버젼에서 ISO를 실행가능하다는건 별도의 에뮬레이터가 있다는 얘기 인것 같은데.. 그렇다면 다운그레이더 필요 없지 않나요 ?
    Lv.2 찌비 (2006-01-21 21:38:10)
    아무래도 2.0 이상의 게임구동은 포기해야만 할 것 같은 기분이 드네요...
    Lv.2 psp잘쓰기 (2006-03-15 18:34:47)
    과연 현재는 어떨지... 구경가야지..
    Lv.2 진수 (2006-03-21 09:11:11)
    문제라고 할 수 있을까... 걱정이..
    Lv.6 ps&psp (2006-03-21 21:54:44)
    음 진짜라면 ㅡㅡ 어떻게든 퍼져야하는거 아닌가 ㅡㅡ;;

    도배방지 : 0

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