펌웨어 2.5용 테트리스를 공개한지 이틀 만에 펌웨어 2.6을 포함한 모든 PSP에서 작동이 되는 테트리스가 릴리즈되었습니다.
인스톨 방법
메모리스틱의 /psp/savedata 폴더에 첨부파일을 저장합니다.
이미 GTA 세이브 파일이 존재하는 사람은 5번째 슬롯에 저장을 합니다.
GTA 를 실행합니다.
"Load Game" 게임을 선택한 후 방금 저장한 테트리스 세이브 게임을 선택하고 확인 버튼을 누릅니다.
1~2초 정도 지나면 테트리스가 실행됩니다.
This has been confirmed to work on PSP firmware version 2.01, 2.50, and 2.60 US
Fanjita just keeps on crackin' Sony's efforts to keep us from our homebrew! He started with creating one of the first ever homebrew on firmware 2.00, then moved on to create his 2.0 eboot loader which enables about 85% of PSP homebrew to work on 2.00, then brought us GTA Hello World savegame binary loader which opened the doors to 2.01+ homebrew. Now today we are proud to release the first homebrew game on firmware 2.60!
Be sure to stick with PSPupdates.qj.net for the latest and greatest PSP news. Fanjita is working hard and getting closer to getting his eboot loader to work with 2.60 firmware!
From Readme:
- v2.6 support
- Better compatibility with 2.01 and 2.5
- Improved the game slightly - now faster, with speed increase as you fill more lines.
To install:
Unzip the contents of this package into the /psp/savedata folder on your memory stick. Note that if you have an existing savegame that uses slot 5, then this will be overwritten by the Tetris savegame.
To use:
Start up GTA as normal. When it has loaded, select "Load Game", select the Tetris savegame and confirm the load as normal. After a short delay, the Tetris game should start.
To quit the game, you will need to hold your power button for 10 seconds. The HOME button looks like it might work, but it doesn't, yet.
Note that this version might be more stable than the 2.50 Tetris released on 1/9/06