Yoshihiro and SXT are proud to bring you The First Firmware Trickz for Gamez that need Firmware 1.52 2.00 or 2.X to run on your PSP and Cant Run UPDATER 1.52 or 2.X. The System think it's a PSP 1.52 ,v1.0 ,v2.0, V7.50 and not the v2.50 why ever wait a new version for update the changer :=) . even if its a v1.5 or 1.0 .
Name: SxtChangerVersion2.02.zip
Date: 16/10/2005
Size: 178.8 KB
Version: v2.02
Author: Sony X Team
Cost: Free
1.5나 1.0 펌웨어버전에서 2.0이상요구의 프로그램들을 돌릴수 있게 만드는 홈브류..