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  • 블랙켓 질문입니다.
    작성자 : 독일감자 | 조회수 : 3682 (2010-11-15 오후 4:59:39)
    염치 불구하고 또 질문입니다.
    KL을 벗어나려면 뭐뭐하라고 알려주는것 같은데... 도통 모르겠네요...ㅠㅠ 구글 번역기 돌려도 뭔 달나라언어만 나오고,,ㅠㅠ 간략하게 설면좀 해주세요...
     도와주시면 정말 감사하겠습니다.

    What KL is.

    KL = Kitty Litter which means, you are the bottom class, and you cannot download any new torrents from the tracker, and even SPU can go all the way down to KL.

    It is not based on ratio (99% of the time anyway) it is based on

    Hit and Runs = any torrent that has a ratio of less than 0.8.

    It is also based on Points, not # of torrents, and we will never tell you how many points is each torrent, or how many points is KL.

    How to get out of it.

    Seed every torrent that you have got to a 0.8 ratio, if there are 0 leechers, then use Seed Points to your advantage. Seed Points is too big to get into here, but if you do not know about Seed Points, then read this thread.


    If you go to your profile, and click on your torrent history, every torrent with a White Triangle with a ! in it is a Hit and Run, you will have to re-seed those, If you have deleted the files, you will have to re download them again, But remember 1 important fact.

    On BCG you do not need leechers to clear a Hit and Run. You can get out of KL with just using Seed Points, which are rewarded for Seeding Time on Individual torrents.

    I am sending this out, because I have been going through the KL, and some are seeding torrents, but torrents that they have already got a 1 ratio or over on, you could seed these for years, but it still will not get you out of KL, you have to Clear your Hit and Runs by seeding those, but you can seed as many torrents as you like now, so you could seed both, Hit and Runs, and those over a 1 ratio.

    If you want to comment on this, or have any Questions, feel free to post in this thread


    Thank you, The Staff. 

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