Ok... I spent a couple hours gettting this together so that if anyone is on a 4.2 softmodded wii they can completely and thoroughly virginize it, and if they want, take it back to factory settings. This can be helpful if you need to return the Wii to Nintendo, or if you want to upgrade your firmware (to say 4.3???) without bricking your wii. However, it is NOT recommended that you upgrade at this time!

If you are on system menu 3.1-4.1 use THIS GUIDE (idk if the link works anymore the guide may have been removed) made by Dogeggs... Do not ask for help in this thread unless you are on 4.2!!!

Do not use this guide to virginize your wii just so you can resoftmod it again because you "messed up" or something... Some people think thats a good idea but its NOT (you will just take a chance at bricking your wii)... If you have to resoftmod just start over on whatever guide you were following and the old stuff WILL BE OVERWRITTEN!!!


PART A: Downloading of files needed

A1)First things first, you will need an SD card formatted to FAT32... It is best to backup everything to your computer then format the card (if you don't you'll lose all data).

A2)Next you need to download stuff! Password for all files is: www.wiihacks.com

If you have NOT installed preloader/starfall or cIOSCORP on your system download THIS PACK1. (this just makes it faster for people who haven't installed those things on their system... the second pack contains EVERYTHING from this pack, this pack just has less than that one)

If you HAVE installed preloader/starfall, cIOSCORP or you don't know download THIS PACK2.

A3)Now that you have downloaded your pack you will need to download the appropriate system menu WAD file for your region (IT IS IMPORTANT YOU DOWNLOAD THE RIGHT ONE OR YOU COULD BRICK), 4.2U HERE, 4.2E HERE, 4.2J HERE, and 4.2K HERE.

PART B: The installation of all original IOS's & MIOS

B1)Now that you have downloaded everything extract the contents from the FIRST thing you downloaded (one of the packs) and extract all files to the root of your SD card. 

Next extract the file of your system menu (second downloaded file) and place it in the "WAD" folder that should be on the SD card if you did the previous step correctly.

B2)Now insert the SD card, power up your wii, and go to the homebrew channel. Go to wad manager 1.5, select IOS249 to use (If it freezes try loading w/ IOS36 or 250 if you have it), NAND emulator device should be "disabled", and select Wii SD Slot as source device.

Now install the WAD files shown, YES all of them! (make sure they all say INSTALL or you will brick) When done you will have a clean system menu without cIOSCORP or preloader/starfall (be sure you installed the system menu wad before continuing to next step... if you didn't you may brick)!

B3)You still need to remove the preloader hacks, so go back to the homebrew channel and run NAND clean (If it freezes here make sure you have IOS249rev14 installed). Press 'A' for everything. If it says "couldn't find that file" on any or all of them it's ok! It just means you didn't have preloader installed.

PART C: The removal of cIOS's and every trace of custom channels (except HBC itself)

C1)Next return to the wii menu and count how many custom channels you have (channels not downloaded from nintendo). Go to anytitle deleter look under "Installed Channel Titles" and count how many channels say unknown. Hopefully the numbers match... if they dont you will need to go look up custom channel names using the 4 letter code given in anytitle deleter. The anytitle deleter w/ this guide will tell you the names of Nintendo channels but as far as I know it will just say 'UNKNOWN" on custom channels.

HAXX or JODI are the homebrew channel but I do not know the all the codes for all channels as their are so many different ones available. Once you have figured out what the 4 digit codes are for the custom channels you have proceed to step C2.

C2)Now that you know what you have, go back to anytitle deleter and delete every custom channel under "Installed Channel Titles" except HAXX and/or JODI (these are the homebrew channel which you still need).

C3)Now go to system titles and delete every IOS with a number AFTER 200 (including249 or w/e one you used which it will say is loaded) but NOT lower (if you delete anything under 200 you will brick).

C4)Now exit and go delete every save file in data management of every custom channel you deleted (depending on what you had installed originally you may not have any).

PART D: The final steps of removing softmods (BootMii, DVDX, and lastly HBC)

D1)Return to the Wii's main system menu and click on the SD Card Menu and accept the warning (this will initiate the HackMii Installer via BannerBomb).

D2)Navigate to the bootmii menu and select uninstall (this will already be uninstalled if you had bootmii as an IOS).

D3)Next return to the main menu and uninstall DVDX.

D4)And lastly... uninstall the homebrew channel itself.

D5) OPTIONAL: Your wii is now completely virginized; if you wish you can go to options and "Format Wii System Memory" to return it to factory default settings!!!


If I messed up anything, someone has suggestions, or something is outdated PMing me would be the best way to let me know!!!

I hope this helps!!! please don't PM me for help... just post in the thread!

Please do not copy this to another site without telling me first... I like to know where my stuff ends up. And even then I would just rather you link to wiihacks.

Thanks to Messie for his Hacking Guide... I copied the format!