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  • 8.1.0 낸드 복구를 할수 있는방법이 궁금합니다.(백업없음)
    작성자 : 장인극장 | 조회수 : 2747 (2019-08-28 오후 9:25:29)

    810 펌웨어로 낸드를 복구할수있는 방법이있을까요?

    유튭에는 외국형님들이 된다고 하는데 저는 안대네용 ㅠㅠ 

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    Lv.10 희동 (2019-08-28 23:06:58)
    Lv.7 장인극장 (2019-08-29 14:22:19)
    8.1.0 Keys.txt를 어디서 구해야하는건지 모르겠네요 ㅠ.ㅠ 뀨
    Lv.7 장인극장 (2019-08-29 20:05:07)
    You cannot upgrade or downgrade directly to any firmwares from 6.2.0-8.1.0 as the ChoiDujour PC application does not support these firmware versions. You must upgrade/downgrade to any other firmware version first and then upgrade to these higher firmware versions with the ChoiDujourNX Switch application if you specifically want one of these firmware versions.

    이렇게 써있는거보면 620-810 버전사이는 안먹힌다고 써있는거같은데요....?ㅜㅠ

    도배방지 : 0

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